Reconstruction: Chapter 4

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Director: Dear Chairman.

Fade in to a remote base of some sort, with Washington, Wolfsen and Caboose approaching the structure

Director: Rest assured we have the situation under control. While the Meta is proving to be an elusive enemy, our Recovery agent is already closing in on it. I expect this incident will reach a conclusion soon, and I will be able to return to my research. Hopefully, without further interruption.

Washington: And you're sure this is where we can find this guy?

Caboose: I think so. We all found out our new orders at the same time; he tried to hide his from me so I would not know where he was.

Washington: Really. I can't imagine why.

Wolfsen: Yeah - Church doesn't really like the rest of Blue Team. To be fair, he is an asshole, so-

Caboose: (cutting off Wolfsen) I said it was like a game of hide and seek, and he said that that was right; he was going to hide from me. And the only way he could win, is if he dies without ever seeing me again.

Wolfsen: And I also hate the rest of Blue Team. God fucking damn it!

Washington: And he knows about Freelancer as well.

Caboose: Oh, yeah, he knows the most. He knows uh, all about your A.I. game. He dated Tex!

Washington: Agent Texas? Um, how could a person-

A sniper shot rings out between them

Voice: Fuck!

Washington: Sniper! Get down!

Caboose: Huh?

Voice: Okay, that was your one warning shot! The next one's goin' right between your eyes!

Washington: Private Caboose! Get down!

Wolfsen: Nono, it's okay. Church can't aim with the sniper. Oh and if Caboose dies I'll celebrate, so there's also that.

Caboose: Wait a minute-

Voice: Alright! I warned ya! Sayonara, biatch!

Another sniper shot misses Caboose

Voice: Aw come on, what the fuck!?

Wolfsen: See!

Washington: Caboose!

Caboose: I know that voice! Church! Church! It's me! Your all-time best friend!

Church: Caboose? Caboose is that you?

Caboose: Yes! Church, it's me!

Church starts firing at Caboose a lot, and missing, a lot

Caboose: I have missed you so much! It has been so long! Did you miss me!?

Church: Fuck! I missed him!

Caboose: I knew you did!

Church: Go away!

Washington: This is your friend?

Caboose: Yeah.

The shooting resumes

Washington: And he's shooting at you.

Caboose: Well, at me and stuff around me. Yeah, it is kind of like our thing. See, he acts like he doesn't like me, but he really does. Oh and he might bring up something about me killing him, but that's only the truth. Uh it's a joke. *inhale* You could play along if you want!

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