Chapter 16: The Diner

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Hey! So I'm actually updating in a decent time span so enjoy thisssssssss because we all know it won't last.

"Oh god, babe, I'm sore," Dan groaned, stretching out his back as he pulled back the covers from their intertwined bodies.

Phil blinked several times to wake himeself up, processing what Dan said before apologizing profusely, "I'm so sorry! Maybe we shouldn't have, I never want you to feel any pain at all."

Dan laughed, brushing his fringe back from his eyes, "Nah, it was absolutely worth it. I love you so much," he punctuated his words with a chaste peck, before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up slowly, before slipping back under the blankets when he realized that he wasn't wearing anything.

"I love you too," Phil murmured, pressing his lips against his boyfriend's forehead, relishing in the moment and the feeling of just being together.

"Do you want to go get breakfast, lion?" Dan asked quietly, curling up closer into the comfort the older boy provided.

"That sounds great! Where do you want to go?" Phil asked as he intertwined his hand with Dan's, pulling the two of them out of bed gently, soaking in the sight of his beautiful boyfriend.

"Hogan's? You know, that little diner down the street. I love the waitress and the whole vibe of the place. Please?" Dan asked, running a finger down Phil's chest slowly in an attempt to convince him.

Phil grinned, "Of course! Anywhere you want to go, we can go, love." 

Dan pulled on his boxers quickly, before rummaging around in Phil's drawers for something to wear. He had brought his own clothes, of course, but he just liked the way Phil's looked on him so much more. After grabbing a grey jumper with a city skyline and slipping it on, he pulled on black skinny jeans and white socks, lying back down on the bed.

Phil pulled on a sea foam colored button up with black skinnies as well, and hauled up his boyfriend from his bed. "Lets go, dork."

The two boys walked the short path down street to the small, family owned diner that everyone in town had come to love, their hands intertwined and swinging between them. As they stepped into the lovely little restaurant, they were greeted with a wide smile and cheerful greeting from the owner who knew everyone in town.

They sat down in a booth, settling in with their menus and waters just as the tell tale bell rang, indicating the entrance of someone. They glanced over to the door, seeing Ian and Anthony walk in. The two boys were immediately spotted by their friends, who slid into the booth without hesitation.

"How's Phan doing today?" Ian asked, brushing his hair out of his eyes. 

Phil merely looked at Dan with an expression of love as an answer, which prompted loud kissing noises from Anthony. "Cut it out!" Dan laughed as he hit him on the arm with his menu.

"What did you guys do this weekend?" Phil asked innocently, sipping his water.

"Went to a couple parties, you know the drill," Anthony replied causally, waving over a waitress, "How about you guys?"

"Just the usual, you know, movies and hanging out," Dan replied, nudging Phil's foot under the table.

The waitress came in and took their orders, and the boys passed the time with pleasant chatter and lots of laughter. 

After they all finished their meals, Ian slid out of the booth, gesturing for the others to follow. As they did, though, Dan winced visibly from the soreness of his backside.

Anthony's eyes widened as he stifled a laugh, before abandoning all attempts to stay straight-faced, bursting out into giggles. "Hey Dan, why can't you walk right?" He managed in between snorts.

Both Dan and Phil went bright red, confirming what the others thought. Ian and Anthony were practically rolling on the floor in laughter in mere seconds, causing "Phan" to leave quickly, paying the check on the run as they blushed more furiously.

I hope you guys liked it, I wasn't really sure what to do because I'm bad with fluffy stuff. Next chapter is the epilogue (AHHHH)

I posted the intro to my new fic, one based on DWTS, you guys can check that out if you want! It'll have much smut and teasing and dancing and fun times ^-^

Love you guys,

Tess <3

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