Chapter 9- Phil and Louise

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Hey guys new update! I know this one is super short but I've been sort of stressed lately with school and family and personal stuff, but I wanted to get something done for you guys because you've all been asking and I love writing this! ^-^

It's unedited, as usual, don't even expect me to edit these anymore. 

WE HAVE A NEW COVER! The absolutely lovely @leafylester made it for me, so thanks to that dork.

Also also (I swear this is the last thing ok) This chapter is dedicated to @Winchesterphangirl for the amazing comments every chapter :)

After Dan left, Phil lay in bed for a while just smiling, before he heard his phone buzz from where he had left it when Dan showed up. Picking it up, he saw about 20 messages from Louise. He scrolled to the first new message before starting to read. Some featured ones:

From: Lou-geezer (Phil called her that because she acted a bit like a mum)

Hey Phil, r we still on for tomorrow? 

From: Lou-geezer


From: Lou-geezer


From: Lou-geezer

u always have your phone on u!

From: Lou-geezer

r u ignoring me?

From: Lou-geezer

Never mind, none of these have been read, so I doubt it.

From: Lou-geezer

R u ok?

Phil smiled at Louise’s ridiculous worry for absolutely no reason, before typing out a new message.

To: Lou-geezer

Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t have my phone with me

From: Lou-geezer

Uh huh. why not?

To: Lou-geezer

I was… um… doing the wash?

From: Lou-geezer

Righhhhht. 4 several hours?

To: Lou-geezer

I had a lot of laundry to do!

From: Lou-geezer


To: Lou-geezer

Okay, fine, fine. I was hanging out with Dan

From: Lou-geezer


From: Lou-geezer

HAZEL OEWS ME 5 POUNDS (a/n i don’t know British money ok)

To: Lou-geezer

You two were betting on me?????

From: Lou-geezer

Maybe haha

From: Lou-geezer

How was it, anyway?

To: Lou-geezer

I’ll tell you about it tomorrow :P

From: Lou-geezer

Fine, fine, be that way.

Phil read the last message before pulling up Dan’s contact and texting him a bit about nothing important. Just as they were talking about squid and llama hybrids, Phil’s mum walked in and called him down, telling him that dinner was ready. Phil told Dan he had to go do family stuff and eat, and Dan said he did too. 

The rest of the night consisted of Phil eating, texting Dan and Louise, and watching Disney movies.

When Phil and Louise met up for their weekly coffee chat, she obviously made him relay everything that had happened with Dan.

Phil, however, being smart, decided to leave out both times they ended up in a pile on the floor. Despite this, Louise squealed when he finished.

“What?” He asked, a bit of annoyance creeping into his tone.

“You so obviously have a crush on him, you idiot!” She exclaimed as she took a sip of her coffee, smiling widely at Phil.

“No, I don’t, Lou,” He replied swiftly, kicking her lightly under the table.

She singsonged in answer, “Phil and Dan, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g…”

Phil gaped at her, his eyebrows raised, “Louise! You know I’m straight! I went out with that girl once!”

“You mean Hannah?” Louise asked, and as Phil nodded, she let out a musical laugh. “Yes, Hannah. Of course, how could I forget. You know she only went out with you because Mamrie and Grace dared her to. She’s extremely gay, and proud of it!”

Phil flushed bright red, before retorting, “Well, I went out with Jenna!”

“True, but neither of you really liked each other and you’re still friends. And, besides all of that, you know you came out to me as bi like 2 years ago, right?” Louise giggled at Phil’s surprised look.

“You remember that?” He asked incredulously, “I thought you were drunk and didn’t remember anything from that night!”

Louise snorted, “That’s only what you think, Philly darling. Anyway, there’s a party at Zoe’s next Friday. It shouldn’t be too big, just some friends that you like too, don’t worry. And I happen to know a certain someone will be there…”

“Fine. I’ll go,” Phil pouted, but inside he was secretly pleased.

Yes yes I know its shit but enjoy anyway

Vote, comment, follow loves <3

-Tess, the terrible phanfiction writer

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