part 7

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Ah, remember this first teaser trailer? Me too, it's crazy how much time has passed...

Anyways on with the story.

(Sorry it took me so long to post!)

you sat up right so fast that even Benny didn't get to register that sudden movement, your forehead soaked with sweat while your heartbeat raced so fast that it made you pant heavily, was that only a dream? A nightmare? You've found yourself sitting on the floor, But how... you don't remember falling asleep.

"Oh goodness finally you're awake! You ok?" Benjamin asked you, worry was clear in his voice box while you just regained your normal breathing pattern.

"Uh yeah, I'd somehow had a nightmare..." as the words escaped your throat, a thought made you remember something... The red smoke had hallucinating properties to it.

"Hey, it's ok now" Benny comfortingly expressed to you, his soft plush hand gently rubbing your arm. "Though you had me worried when you suddenly collapsed to the floor."

"Wait, collapsed? But I remember you running off..." you explained what you remembered while Benny gave you a confused look on his face.

"I was with you the whole time! Got worried that the red smoke was going to keep you asleep." Benny genuinely expressed worry as he said that, you were starting to realise that he truly cared about you.

"Yeah well, I'm awake now aren't I?" You said hoping to brush off the idea of Benny caring about you as you got up on your feet. "Right, where are we?"

"We're still in Home Sweet Home, I'm sure at least." Benny replied to your question.

The area itself was definitely run down due to time, but from the old memories you had at the back of your mind you could tell that you two were definitely still in home sweet home. To the left was a fireplace with a light blue frame around it, obviously covered with dust. To the right was a round table with a few chairs around it, a lamp and a pot plant stood in the corner of that area, one of the chairs had been knocked over for goodness knows how long.

In front of you two was a door which led to a big hall area which you remembered vaguely, but you hope that your memory doesn't fail you, besides if it does you can always just rely on Benny's.

The hall itself was dark but luckily you had your flashlight with you, with its bright guidance you could see how all over the place the blocks were, some of the blocks being bigger than others, while hanging from the ceiling was some small clouds and a moon in the middle, perhaps if you turned off your light you might be able to see if any of the moon or clouds would glow in the dark, the clouds you noticed seemed exactly like the ones hanging outside from the ceiling of the dome.

Your attention then drifted to the right of this area, something pink and blue caught your eye, but what was it? Shining your light in that direction you realised that it was a Mommy Long Legs cut out. Even when you got closer to her cut out it wasn't the most amazing thing, in fact you knew it was the opposite since you saw a lot of her cut outs back in the Game Station, though curiosity was tugging at you, would this cut out work just like the ones you interacted with before? You turned to see what Benny was up to as you two haven't spoken a word yet, he was over by the door with a picture of a sun on it and seemed as though he was looking for something.

"Hey Benny." You called to him from across the room, once you knew that his attention was on you, you hovered your hand over the button. "Horrible monstrosity said what?"

Right after you said that you pressed the button to activate Mommy Long legs' voice lines, but unlike the cut outs of her in the game station this cut out only played static with bits and pieces of her voice, but even then very inaudible. You chuckled at this but then noticed Benny's reaction which was of only confusion, after all he wasn't there then Mommy got grinded by that grinder.

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