Part 5

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You got down by using both hands off the grab pack and got them to hold onto the railing that you hoped didn't suddenly break on you, as you landed gently you were relieved that it didn't.

"You didn't want to look what's beyond that door frame up there?" Benny questioned, you already saw it was there but you just didn't want to.

"I couldn't leave you here by yourself, besides I have a better idea." You stated as you walked over to one area of the gas production zone: the window that led to what you could see was another electronical puzzle.

You stood at the front of this window as Benny watched you not knowing what you were planning, you then proceeded to take at least five steps back, in fact probably was ten steps as now your back was close to the control panel that contained the red smoke. you have then readied yourself when Benny just pieced together what you were planning.

"Wait a minute, you're not gonna smash through that are you?!" Benny worriedly asked but it was too late as you began to do another run-up, when it got to the right moment you activated the purple hand again but this time ensuring you had angled yourself so when you blasted off you flew into the window instead of just going up. Yep, you were about to do some property damage.

SMASH! The sound echoed throughout the gas production zone and possibly the Playcare as you curled yourself into a ball to how you hoped would prevent proper injuries, closing your eyes to shield them from the glass before you landed on the floor with a thud. You felt the wind knocked out of you but otherwise you felt ok-ish, uncurling yourself while being cautious of the shattered glass around you, before getting yourself up on your feet and taking note of the damage you've caused.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Benny's Irish shouted at you through the hole of the window, as you walked around you could hear the crunch of the glass underneath your shoes. "You could've hurt yourself! Or worse!"

"Yeah well, I'm actually ok Benny don't worry!" You reassured him before tackling this next puzzle, which may have taken a little longer than you thought it would take but you still took a shot at trying.

Something new was added with the puzzle: two poles that you were able to move and aim at in a diagonal position and that there was two outlets, you realised as you completed the first half of this puzzle that when you use your blue hand through it it made a z shape, nothing much special with that though. After actually completing it, knowing this by the familiar electrical hum, you sigh with relief which gave you the feeling of calmness for a few seconds. Now it was time to get the red smoke moving, during the puzzle you noticed a yellow roller shutter to the right of the massive control panel which stood right under the massive window: the same window you smashed through not too long ago, now that you've activated the electricity for the container machine you looked at the roller shutter before getting closer to the shutter, it opened up as soon as you were about three steps from it, as you walked out Benny greeted you cheerfully.

"Aye! You didn't get yourself killed, good job!" Benny said gratefully to you, before he then completely changed his tone. "Don't ever do that again please."

"Geez since when were you my dad?" You replied with a fake grumpy tone to your voice as you actually felt glad that someone in this cursed toy factory actually cared about you, well felt like it at least.

You've returned to the main control panel, clicking the big red button in the center of the panel, you waited as the screen's red "restart" screen faded away and was replaced with the sides screens beeping to life followed by the massive screen displaying a "P" for the company's name, that was then replaced quickly with three bars that represented the three cylinders above, it began to do its work of removing the red gas from the cylinder on the right toy the cylinder in the middle while both you and Benny waited for the red gas to then move to the left, but just as the middle cylinder just got filled up the power suddenly got cut out completely, leaving you and your plushie friend in complete utter darkness.

"Aw-oh tits" you sighed with disappointment while you felt something hug your leg, assuming it's Benny for some reason you choose not to kick him away like you did when you first met, the phone then starts ringing and as you answer it you expect it to be Ollie on the other side.

"Oh no! Someone killed the power, I sent you another key, it's under the statue." Ollie explained, "use it to get into home sweet home, then once you're inside find the building's backup generator. Good luck!" Ollie then cut the phone.

"Benny? You ok?" You asked him despite not being able to see in the dark, you could feel his hold was becoming a little shaky now.

"Uh, kinda but I don't exactly like the dark" Benjamin nervously explained, you knelt down to pick him up.

"It's alright, let's get into home sweet home and get that backup generator connected." You assured him as you finally found the flash light you had by your side and turned it on before making your way to the statue.

Could you really believe that you were trusting the very plushie that's in your hands after being chased by Huggus Wuggus, survived Mommy longlegs' deadly child games and leaving trust in one specific toy that led you only deeper into this nightmare of a toy factory? Not really, but he did show promise of not betraying you, though then again... Poppy showed the same thing, you couldn't wait to find her again so you could show just how angry you are at her for that and get her to explain herself. You made it under the statue and grabbed the key, as you left the statue area you noticed the complete change of the atmosphere between before and after the lights turned off, almost creating a shiver down your spine, but you knew you needed to get going to home sweet home, the two story house with fluorescent yellow lights shining through the windows which created the illusion that someone was home.

Now on the porch part of home sweet home, it's two front doors standing in front of you, both you and Benny prepare yourselves for whatever was to come beyond those doors, you knew what you needed to do, but you've also considered that someone would work against you on your path to survival, you took a deep breath in then released as you turned the door handles and swung the doors open, taking that first step to reactivating the power.

Though, the first thing you two should've considered was a gas mask.

Poppy Playtime Chapter Three (Benny's Luck Edition)Where stories live. Discover now