Part 2

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After you've placed your green hand on the input green... thing that hung on the wall, it activated the sliding door in front of you, it's warning sign sliding into the wall as it opened up to a new room while the phone had been ringing this whole time, a red phone hung on the other side of the room, you hurriedly walked over to it to answer by picking it up and held it up to the side of your face that felt natural to you, a voice of a child spoke.

"Hey... hey, can you hear me?" The unknown speaker asked, you were a little taken off guard with the fact that the phone lines actually worked here. "You look kinda lost."

"Uh yeah, you could say that." You replied to the kid, not exactly knowing how to feel about communicating with a child.

"Well, I don't want you to die- so I'm gonna help you!" The caller responded sounding relieved that you can hear them. "Check this out."

"Uh check-"

"Look at the tube thing on the back wall, ready?" The caller cut you off which then made you look in the direction that the caller told you to look at, at the same time you could hear cling clunking coming from the 'tube thing' the caller was talking about. Suddenly a battery fell from the tube onto a table, which was perfectly shaped to catch the battery.

"BUH-BOOM!" The caller said at the same time of the battery. "You can use that battery to open the door!" They added matter of factly.

"Well jee, thanks... I guess?" You replied while still being unsure about a child being here after all this time, wasn't it like ten years ago that you left? Then again wasn't Poppy the reason why you are still here? Maybe the kid actually wants to help you? Lots of questions like that circled your mind like a hamster in a wheel, forever running but never going anywhere.

Once you've placed the battery in the wall, you heard the door unlock itself, allowing you to enter beyond whatever was behind it. Just as you exited through the door, on your left was the very train that you crashed, now in a blaze, its flame illuminating the dark space with a warm orange-ish red light.

"Woah" both you and the caller said at the same time. "Did you do that? I guess that's where catnap found you."

"Well I mean, your guess is as good as mine kid." You replied with a sigh that hinted at frustration, the caller however was able to pick up on that.

"I know you're probably mad at Poppy for not letting you escape. But she needs you, WE need you, you are our mission." The caller child sympathetically said to you.

"I'm sorry, we?" You asked, not knowing what the caller was talking about, but they continued without answering you while you made your way the opposite direction from the crash site.

"Together, we can save a lot of people, including you! Playcare is straight ahead." Just as the caller said that, you were indeed closer to the train station platform of Playcare, having to walk passed and walk over concrete debris as you traveled.

"It's the home of Catnap... one of "The Smiling Critters". There used to be... eight of them, I think? Now it's just him, Playcare is his church, his hunting ground, whatever he wants it to be." The Caller warned you as you used your grab pack to get over from one side of the tunnel to the other which was exactly where the entrance of Playcare is. You hummed in response to let the caller know you heard everything they have just told you.

"You better get moving quickly, we'll keep in touch."

"Sounds good, I'll make sure not to die on ya." You light heartedly said to the caller, you could hear a bit of a child-like chuckle from the other end of the phone line, which wasn't exactly what you expected a response would be but you ran with it, for now.

"Oh and by the way, my name is Ollie, nice to meet you!" The caller, now better known as Ollie, cheerfully told you.

"Nice to meet you too Ollie."

Though before you got the chance to introduce yourself you heard the phone click, indicating that Ollie hung up the phone for now, huh... anyways, you may have entered a new area, but surprisingly you didn't notice that something, or someone, was watching you... you went looking around, noticing a Huggy Wuggy statue, though unlike the one at the entrance of this place, this one was just completely made out of concrete, which was an absolute guarantee that it was never going to come to life.

Overall the colours that once were vibrant and colourful now faded with the tint of filth to them, absolutely it would've fooled adults back in the day. Rail guards blocked the only way to get up the stairs to what you knew was the trolley to get to Playcare, as such old memories come flooding back to you since you were indeed a worker here. However you couldn't get passed through the gates, must need power for them to work huh? To the left of the staircase was a door with a label above it, with the label 'security' on it.

You cautiously walked up to the door, for some reason uncertain as to what could be behind the door, you grabbed the handle and twisted it, letting the door slowly open on its own, your eyes greeted by static on the tv screens that used to be security cameras. As you stepped inside of the security room the door began to slowly close itself, though what you never noticed was that a small plush like hand stopping the door from completing closing. Walking deeper into the office, all you could hear was static considering all the cameras went offline, though how could there be power for this and not for the gate? You sigh softly trying to let go of the annoyance that was of figuring out how to get power to those gates.

Yet something was creeping up behind you, studying you and had been waiting for this moment. It's steps as quiet as a pin drop, staying as silent as possible, by the time you looked around and stepped away from the table with the tvs it already hid under that table for a bit before leaving to follow you again. You opened another door which helped you answer the question as to where to get power, now to solve its puzzle.

Suddenly a shiver went down your spine as you felt something touch your leg with its small hands, as an "eek" escaped you, you immediately kicked it as hard as you could like an American football player, hearing a squeak sound like a squeak of a dog toy, before it hit a wall with a quieter squeak like thud.

"You best back off now! Or I'll... I'll" you threateningly said to your foe, before looking around for something, anything to defend yourself with, but it then began to speak.

"Wait wait! Before you do anything that you could regret, please let me talk first." The small toy pleaded with you with its male Irish accent, didn't that accent kinda sound familiar?

"Alright... then talk." You replied, still on guard in case the small guy does something that he'll regret doing.

"My name is Benjamin, though the others have called me Benny... it's been so long since anyone has come down here, hey... wait didn't you use to work here?!" The plush, known now as Benjamin or Benny, spoke up to you, so many others have told you that they remember you so many times that now the line makes your eyes roll with annoyance, it feels a little old for your liking.

"Yeah? You remember that I used to work here? What, you're also on a mission to kill me or keep me in this hell hole?" You asked annoyedly, Benny shook his head no.

"No, I wanna get out of here! I've been trying for so long but don't have the guts to go past the platform... ever since..." He then started to trail off. "Ever since that day..."

"What day was that?" You asked, curiosity allowing you to hear him out.


If u are enjoying this story, I'm glad! I will be posting a chapter of this every few days so I can ensure that there's no spelling errors and such.

A reminder: I'm rewriting this story that used to be a hypothetical chapter 3 (basically what I thought chapter three was)

Anyways for now, see ya!

Poppy Playtime Chapter Three (Benny's Luck Edition)Where stories live. Discover now