Chapter 17 - Into the breach!!

Começar do início

Reaching forward when the shelling has stopped Phillip grabs the whistle off of the dead officer and he blows the whistle, taking command of what the Lieutenant had commanded until relieved by a superior officer.

The surviving men rush forward moving forward from the Captain shouting out. "There's two kinds of people staying on this beach, the dead and those who are going to die. Now get moving!" The ferocious Captain yells urging the lads onward.

Phillip has taken command of the 2nd platoon with 18 men under his command and there, they clear resistance that's leading up to the enclosed door of the first underground bunker system. The lads quickly line up 9 men on each side of the door, taking aim an covering anything that looks like a shooting hole.

The engineers quickly move up cautiously but a window slides open and the Italian hoses the man down with half a clip. Before anyone can react fast enough to return fire he quickly tries shooting more but Ben fires into the hole.

One that is done he runs forward cooking a grenade and he throws it in then gravity carrying him forward he crashes downward on his stomach holding his head for cover.

There's yells of grenade in Italian before the pine apple grenade explodes ending those voices with safety available now the remaining engineer moves up and plants his explosive charge on the door then gets back. Ben gets up now and runs back into cover behind a sandbag before the explosive is detonated.

Once everyone's clear, the explosive shakes the ground and blasts the door off where another grenade is thrown in. That is followed by more yells in Italian.

"Breach and clear! Clear the bunkers out!" Orders Phillip as a soldier with a Sten takes point and the hard task of clearing the bunkers begin.

After 20 minutes of close quarters fighting the first system is cleared and Phillip gives the order. "Advance into the tunnel, we must push inland to meet up with the 5th divisional Royal Marines fighting near the outskirts of Syracuse, lets move lads!" Phillip orders.


Forward operations base German HQ.

"The sectors are crumbling from the 2nd wave, we need to pull back and reinforce the lines." The Italian General of Staff says as the orders are relayed. Then Generalleutenant Rodt, a midsize broad shouldered man moves his troops up by pushing the carved figures up on his map to fill the gaps within the ranks.


Sector E-1

"Move the Vanguard up, and place my PanzerGrenadiers here, they must buy us time for the retreating Italians to pull themselves together and reorganize. That understood?" Karl asks looking up from the map that is laid out on the table in front of him.

The 2 majors standing to attention before him nod and salute, then briskly about facing they walk out of the tent heading out.

Leaning back over the map Karl quietly thinks to himself. ' We're out manned, and under powered however, we got the high ground and tank support. I will not give up easily, as I'll make them fight for every inch of dirt, just as Rommel had taught me when commanding troops back in the desert.' He says to himself then, pushing 3 small figures forward on his map. One is a small Hetzer, 2nd is a German soldier and the 3rd is his elite, the Ghost Division of the 22nd.

In a V like formation, Karl deploys the infantry forward at the head of the V, then he moves his little Hetzer to the left on the higher hill top, his Panzers on the adjacent hill. That over looks the beaches and small town.

"Unteroffizer, get these orders relayed, I want our tankers on the high ground to cover the infantry advancement." Karl orders looking up at the men that surround him in this large tent with large pieces of equipment radio equipment who nod and do what they're told.

"Jawohl! Relaying orders to the divisions" The unteroffizer says before turning to the Funkers at the radios to do what he was told by telling them to relay orders.

' I'm going to catch them in a pincher movement, there I'll draw out the British Marines into the open outside of Syracuse. There I'll strike from the protection of the hills as my men will be out of range of offshore bombardment support. The Panzer korps will attack the flanks as my Grenadiers push the front... They'll be crushed underneath the boots of my men when I'm done with them.' Karl says quietly to himself going over his plan of attack again with a smile to his face as he plans on not giving a inch of ground past Syracuse.

That's the end of this chapter folks, what did you think?

I do apologize as this chapter from Friday is late, there was a thunderstorm that knocked out power and I had to rewrite everything since it didn't save:, any who.

As always if you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to bayonet that vote button!

Leave a comment on what you think might happen to our fellows on the beaches, all in all

Thank you for reading and voting everyone means a lot to me and it encourages me to continue on writing!:)

The price of a mile (Second story in the world war series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora