Chapter Thirteen

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My metal suit remains in the cave, neatly arranged next to the refolded blankets, maybe one day it will serve someone else as well as it served me. The grass spreads out below the ledge I perch upon, its sways in unison and I feel a little emotional saying goodbye to my cave. For a short time, I felt completely safe. I shared my first kiss here. This cave will be forever etched in my memory.

Cantral approaches from behind, her metal boots strike the floor with gentle taps. "You could stay here ... let me go alone. You can trust me to release Sask."

I turn to face her and see my face reflected in her shiny suit. "I've saved your life twice, maybe you should stay here, and I'll go alone."

"I deserved that." She smiles. "Come on." She walks back into the cave.

I peer down to the shaded ground, just fifty feet. "You're sure your jetpack will hold us both?"

"It did when we landed on the planet."

I approach Cantral in the back of the hollow and exhale a laugh. "Are you kidding? That was the worst landing in the history of bad landings."

"Sorcha." Cantral smirks, she beckons me closer and hoists me from the ground with a groan. "You're heavy for someone so short."

"Hey!" I laugh. "I'm not short!"

Cantral grips me tight, she sprints through the cave and launches us off the ledge. We fall through the air, and I stare at the base in the distance. A black metal cuboid, the mass of a city. Futuristic and intimidating. It could take weeks to find Sask in a place so large. I mistakenly glance down, the ground approaches too fast and I snap my eyes closed. A whoosh comes from Cantral's suit as the jet pack powers on. We're pushed higher into the air and drop slower.

Cantral's feet hit the ground first and then she releases me. I stare up at the ledge we just jumped from, it doesn't appear as high from down here.

"How long will it take to reach the base?" I stare ahead at the tall structure that rises on the horizon.

"A few hours, if we're not intercepted."

As we leave the looming shadow of the cliff the intensity of the sun strikes me. Sweat dribbles down my face and stains my clothes. I must stink. I'm pleased Cantral wears her metal suit and helmet.

Red grass rises to my waist, and I stare at it obsessively for fear of something, bug, animal or person, leaping from its depth. But nothing does, as if everything living is in hiding. Cantral's hand remains on my shoulder for every step, I'm her prisoner now. Knots form in my stomach and my body feels light, as if at any moment I could float away.

"Are you okay?" Cantral asks.

"When we free Sask, what next?" I hold my hands to my eyes to shield against the sun's rage. Red and blindingly bright.

"We leave. Fast. And go far."

"No ... I mean ..." I meant what's next for us. I meant after this where do I fit into her life. "I mean me, okay? I don't have a ship or a home ... or anything, and I'm not a happy go lucky person who can go where the wind blows."

"Okay," Cantral says thoughtfully, but without a hint of hesitation, "after Jebnah, I'll call for my ship. You and Sask will become members of my crew—"

"What will I do?" I ask keenly as beads of sweat roll drown my face.

"What do you like doing?"

"I love learning about space ... space is actually a special interest."

"Okay, you can work in research, and we'll find something Sask will like too," Cantral says, unfazed. "And you and I will officially become... well, You and I! I think we'll be happy together. I think I'll be happier than I've ever been."

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