Lex sighed and turned around, revealing incredible stress on his face. "Honey..." He tried to say but it sounded tired. "That man's not a security guard. He's a private investigator. Over the last few days, it's become clear I'm being followed."

Her face fell. She hadn't been able to help with LuthorCorp or the affairs at hand. Being in the hospital for a couple of weeks left her working at a slow pace. Answering emails with a non-dominant hand left her frustrated. She could only imagine how Lex was feeling without his partner by his side. "By whom?" She asked. She could make a few phones. Return to her roots as the Miracle Angel.

"Well, I doubt I have to look much further than the lowest branch on the family tree, but.... I can't be sure." He walked to the couch, sitting down as he fished out a tiny white card from his back pocket. It was the PI, Pontius's card. He flipped it around in his hands. The black typed lettering and a small yellow logo caught her eye.

"You call the police then," she gauged him.

"After breaking every law imaginable while I was inhabited by Zod, I don't want to go anywhere near a badge," he said. "I can't trust anyone, not even my own security."

It explained the complete turnaround. "You can trust me, Lex," she said, sighing as she walked over to sit next to him. She winced as her side strained. She felt Lex's hands gently help her down. "You can trust the guards who have been with you since I started, no?" She could name at least four.

Lex thought for a moment. He knew what she was getting at. He was going overboard. "Of course...." He handed her Pontius's card. "And I want you to have this...in case of an emergency. He's the best P.I. in Metropolis. If anything happens to me, you need to call that number, not the police. Robert Pontius will make sure you're safe."

"Lex, don't talk like that." She spoke. It was only a couple of weeks ago that she thought she was losing Lex. Even so, she thought she was going to die as well.

"I'm just being cautious, Ty." He took her good hand and enclosed it with the white card. "You're not this Clairvoyant anymore and as much as you are the Miracle Angel, Zod proved that there are larger forces out there."

Tyla sighed again. She could have sworn that Lex looked rather frightened, much like when they were both out on that field. It seemed to be a look that wasn't going away anytime soon. It proved their mortality and with Tyla's powers gone, it also proved how vulnerable they could be.


Lex wasn't entirely convinced that his father was not in the realm of possibilities of people who wanted him followed. It was how the man usually got his information about his son or his daughter-in-law now. He marched into the newly renovated office that Lionel bestowed for himself. "Well, I forgot what a concerned parent you are," Lex said, angrily. "That's why you're having me followed, isn't it? To make sure I don't destroy the rest of the world?"

"If I were having you followed, son, you would never know it," Lionel replied, not looking up from his papers. "I can guarantee you that."

"Tyla told me that you had no hesitation of wanting me gone," Lex huffed. That was when his father looked up at him. "Yeah, she had to try to convince you that there was a semblance of me trying to fight my way out." He chuckled in amusement, resting his knuckles on the other man's desk as he loomed over. "I hate to disappoint you, but whatever powers I had are long gone. So, if you're looking for an encore performance, you're out of luck. Elvis has left the building."

"You want to find out who's stalking you?" Lionel asked. "I suggest you concentrate on remembering every little minute detail of that horrific day."

"Well, I guess I should have kept a blog...because I suffered a total memory loss!" The last few words Lex had raised his voice to try to get that into his father's mind. Tyla had him put under a polygraph while she told him, even asked questions to see if Zod may be stirring within him but all evidence of Zod was gone. "Besides what Tyla has told me, those 24 hours are gone."

The Rise To Power; A Smallville Saga {Part 5 - Glass Heart}Where stories live. Discover now