Chapter 2

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I awoke with a start as the tube started to move. My head banged against a metal pole, creating a loud clanging sound and leaving me with a nasty bruise. I looked up at the map and realised that I only had one more stop to go.
The train was empty now. The woman had gone and so had the man who had given up his seat for me. My mind started to drift to where he may have gone But I was quickly reminded of my whereabouts when the doors opened and the cool subway carriage was flooded by the heat of the station. I rushed out of my seat and managed to get out into the station before the doors slammed shut behind me.
Then I slowed to a pace at which I wouldn't break a sweat in this sweltering heat. I walked up the stairs feeling the air get cooler as I rose up through the ground. The street was quiet. It was late in the afternoon and had only just stopped raining so people were inside after a day of work. My feet felt damp from the many puddles on the pavements and while it was cooler it was still much to humid for my liking. I rounded a corner onto a smaller street and dodged out of the way of a lamppost, placed annoyingly right in my path.
Up ahead I could see the coffee shop. It's bright colours standing out against the dark and gloomy surroundings. There were two tables outside, protected by giant umbrellas decorated in bright colours. I opened the door and heard the bell tinkle, telling the owner I had entered their shop.
The owner of course was my best friend.  Cherry had long, straight brown hair and blue eyes. Today she was wearing a pink shirt and an apron covered in Flour  decorated with hearts. She seemed to float out of the small kitchen at the back of the shop, smiling as she saw it was me.
"Hey Eve!" She said sounding slightly overexcited.
"Hi cher" I replied.
I knew from her face she had something to tell me. Something she could barely keep in.
I ordered a cup of tea and some fresh baked lemon cake before asking her,
"So, what is is you wanted to tell me"
Cherry chuckled, she was boiling the kettle and getting the mugs ready.
"I came up with the best idea for my birthday this year. What if we had a party at my place and invited everyone!"
I looked at her in confusion
"Listen, we invite our friends and they invite theirs."
She said this as she sliced the lemon cake and grabbed a chocolate muffin for herself.
She sat down next to me at the counter and poured two cups of tea.
"That sounds.... interesting" I replied as I bit into my muffin, thinking about the mysterious man I Hadd seen earlier. "Cher, I met the strangest man.."
We both looked at the door as the bell jangle and the door swung open.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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