Chapter 1: The beggining.

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Rexx jolted awake. He had this sudden flash of energy in him! He got up and stretched, then began to run around the house, as though he had never before. Jaxx woke up. "Be more quiet!" He hissed.
"Never!" Rexx laughed and playfully pounced on Jaxx. "Aaaaah!!!" He yowled. He slid from under his belly and got up. "Whats up with you today?!" He asked Rexx. "What do you mean?" His tail lashed from side to side, almost hitting his waist. "Just let me sleep!" Growled Jaxx. Rexx pricked his ears at the sound of footsteps. He stared at the staircase, and the housefolks came down the stairs. They sat on the couch. Jaxx remained calm and began to cleanse his fur, when Rexx grabbed a mouse and threw it to him. Jaxx seemed bored. Jaxx was NOT bored, he turned around in fury and unsheathed his claws. He pounced on Rexx, more fierce then playful. Rexx stared into his green eyes in shock. They were filled with anger. He scraped the sides of Rexx's back, and Rexx kicked his stomach to get him off. He quickly got up and ran to the housefolks. They stared at Jaxx even angrier then Jaxx did to Rexx. One of them got tissue and began to put them on Rexx's back. The other one grabbed Jaxx and began to scold him. The one helping Rexx grabbed him as well and the two housefolks began to walk to the monster. They put them in the back of it, then began to run away from their nest. "Look what you've done!" Yowled Jaxx. "I'm sorry..!" Cried Rexx. "Thats not enough.." Whispered Jaxx. "You WILL PAY. I WILL COME BACK." Rexx stared at Jaxx in surprise. The monster came too a stop. They opened the back part of the monster and threw Jaxx out. "Wait!" Rexx scraped the glass as they began to run off. He stared in fear as 6 angry cats began to walk towards Jaxx. The last thing he saw was blood. The housefolks went to a different nest. It was oddly familiar. They threw him out there. He stared at the housefolks, why would they do this? "Its not fair.." He muttered. Another cat ran out of the nest happily. They had a blueish-darkish pelt just like Rexx. He went up to the cat. "Hey uh.. where am I exactly?" The scent of the cat was oddly familiar too. "You're at my nest. Well- err.. I'm bow!" The cat meowed. "Nice to meet you," Bow smiled. "Thank you. Im Rexx. You look, and smell familiar.. uh.. have we met?" He asked Bow. "Oh! Yes, yes of course! We are littermates. I can tell by your scent." He purred. Rexx looked startled. "They obviously brought you here to stay." He said. "Come inside!" He smiled. He and Rexx padded towards the door, leading too a new nest. A sleek black cat was yelling at a blue cat. "Mom, my littermates here!" He yelled. The blue tom stared at Rexx. He and the black cat walked towards them. "I'm Ramen!" The black cat meowed. "Your mother." She purred. The tom stared at him for a second. "You would make a fine warrior." He smiled. "Would you like to join me, in riverclan?" He asked Rexx. "Uhh.. ermm.." "we can let you get settled in first. Im your father." Rexx nodded. "Call me Noodle." He evilly grinned. "Follow me." He began to walk out the door when Ramen stopped him. "He's not joining Riverclan! Are you crazy?!" She yowled. "Yes, he is! Or he will pay the price." He stared into Rexx's eyes, as though he had no soul. "Now, come on." He continued walking out. Rexx decided to go with him.

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