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A sleek blue cat with amber eyes approached two other cats, a fluffy white kitten with blue eyes sat down beside of another sleek cat, but its coat was a shiny black, with tiny dots of orange on its back. "Who have you chosen?" The blue cat asked the black cat. "I didn't choose, Lilackit did." She pushed the white kit, Lilackit, up towards the blue cat. "I chose Rexx!" He replied. The blue cat gagged. "A kittypet?" She looked concerned. "Were you never taught how bad kittypets are? Theyre some flea-bags that get scared by a squirrel. They can never do this prophecy," She exclaimed. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" The black cat asked Lilackit. Lilackit nodded her head. "I do! I really do!" He squeaked. The black cat stared at the blue cat. "Its Rexx then. You'd better hope he's strong enough." She glared at the blue cat and ran away, with the kitten behind her. "Wait! It will end in death!" The blue cat yowled. They were too far.

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