Chapter 105-106

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Chapter 105

The cold wind blew on her face, and Qian's freehand mouth just opened her mouth and ate a belly of the wind. What she said quickly dissipated in the wind. Not to mention Victor, she didn't even hear what she said.

Victor heard her begging for mercy clearly, but without any sympathy, he replied to her coldly: [Shut up! Otherwise, you can drop your tongue now!]

Qian had to close his mouth and asked from the bottom of his heart, "What should I do?" Don't just stay in my body without saying anything! If we don't figure it out, we will die soon!"

The parasite was also quite anxious when she urged: "I'm thinking about it! There's nothing we can do! Now that you are caught again, we are even in such a high mid-air. What can we do if we can escape? Whenever we escape from this big net, we can only fall down with crushing bones!"

After a pause, it suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said confidently, "Oh, that's not right. I just thought of one thing. In fact, you are the only one who died. When you die, I should be able to escape alone with my ability, and then I can continue to survive by attachment to any creature.

Its tone was a little pity, but mixed with a little gloating: "I'm sorry, it seems that if you want to live, I'm afraid you have to save yourself."

From birth, parasites know that they can only live on one host at a time. If you want to enter the body of the next host, you must wait until the last host dies before you can leave. So the freehand death of money is exactly what it wants.

At first, he just wanted to eat her brain directly so that her body could be used by herself, but he didn't expect that this woman's light power could just kill it. It can't completely swallow the freehand brain of money. It can only occupy half of her position. It can't walk, and it has no choice but to stay all the time.

In this way, the two reached a strange and mutually disliked cooperation. Of course, the parasite always hopes that the money will die freehandly, so that it can find the next obedient host.

Qian freehand knew what was calculating in his heart and snorted coldly: "This mecha should be manipulated by someone. Looking at the situation just now, he can definitely hear my voice. If I were really thrown down, at the moment of free fall, I would definitely tell him that you were in my brain! Don't live then!"

"If you don't save me, we will die together!" Money threatened with freehand.

"You!" The parasite began to swear in a hurry, but it was not in human language, so I couldn't understand the freehand money this time.

After threatening the parasite, she did not say much, but began to observe the mecha that caught her.

I hope I can't rely all on the parasite, and she has to find a way to save herself.

The manipulator of this mecha just took it away, not directly, which gave her some room to think.

Maybe she can really save herself!

She has never seen this mecha, and the method of making the mecha shell is also very strange. Only top mechanics can do the whole planet.

Although she is almost a grudge against Zhuangjiu now, even so, she has to admit that there may be no other mechanic on this planet except Zhuangjiu for the time being.

It's not that people with mechanical talent are not without mechanical talent, but at most they can only make a half-body mecha and continue to go deep. What they need has to grab the news from within the league.

She didn't know these things before, until she first used the time to go back, she found a lot of information from the account stolen from the head of the alliance.

Salted Fish in the Plant Apocalypse: The Lord of Another World [MTL]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz