Chapter 93-94

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Chapter 93

So many powers are rounding up money and freehand. If Victor took action now, he would definitely be found by others. Even if they succeed in killing money, the regained powers may find the idle winery hidden in the deep mountains through the trajectory of Witt's departure.

But if you can solve the freehand brushwork of money, even in exchange for some harassment, it is not impossible.

While the wine was still weighing the pros and cons, she suddenly saw the urgent text sent to her by Victor.

[Sister, I'm sorry! I failed! The freehand brushwork of the money suddenly disappeared!]

The wine instantly got out of bed and came out with slippers.

Victor's man stood not far from the door, and the wine frowned and let him enter the room.

"What do you mean? Suddenly disappear?"

Victor could never say something uncertain. Since he said it suddenly, it really disappeared under his eyelids, and even directly disappeared within his signal monitoring range.

But how is this possible?

No one can have two powers at the same time. At that time, she really saw the light power in Qian's hands through the picture. Therefore, the ability to disappear is definitely not freehand.

"Maybe it's the ability of parasites. Could it be the invisibility like Wang Zai?" The wine asked uncertainly.

Victor shook his head.

[Because of the invisibility of Wang Zai before, the last time I sneaked into the room, I marked all the clothes in her cabinet.]

[Sister, I'll send you the audio and video during this period. I'll continue to look for her first.]

The wine replied, "Okay. Be careful."

It will start ten minutes ago.

Because of that anonymous letter, Xiao Che, one of the few mind reading powers on the planet, came to the safety zone of Yuanshi.

Because it was not normal to get close to money, she didn't know who he was when she saw him. As a result, she was exposed as a fake and forced to start a day-long escape.

"Damn it, how could it be found?" Although money is freehand because he used to be poor and spent most of his time on the way to make money, his physical fitness is relatively good. In addition, after the beginning of the end of the world, she often hid in Tibet and escaped from zombies quite a considerable number of times, so she developed the ability to escape.

At the beginning of leaving the safety zone of Yuanshi, she dumped many people with her advantage of familiarity with the terrain. However, before she was overjoyed, the peripheral superpowers who received the news soon came and began to chase her.

For 24 hours, she almost ran endlessly, but the abominable powers behind her couldn't be thrown away in any way like possessing maggots.

Not only that, she has to deal with all kinds of attacks that will be smashed at some time. In addition, her power has a long CD time and will take a lot of energy, so she can't stand it for a long time. After being able to escape for so long, she has survived to this day with the last faith.

"I don't know." The cold voice was even more gloomy at this moment, "But this matter must have something to do with the man I met yesterday. We had an accident soon after the man left."

"What's the use of talking about this? The point is how to escape now!" After running for so long, even an animal can't hold on. Qian's freehand body is quite uncomfortable. There seems to be a fire in her throat, burning all the way to her head, and even her thinking is much slower.

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