Chapter 99-100

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Chapter 99

The two cubes in the box were taken out. The wine held these two things, thought about what Victor and her had said a few days ago, and then took them out and put them on the ground.

After taking it out, she found that there were two things like a handle under the two cubes, and she held them in her hand.

The two cubes merged like a whole platform. The wine put the box behind it and stood up.

The white light shone at the crack, and the cube under the feet began to decompose and reorganize. The split mecha fragments climbed all the way to the ankle of the wine wine and stopped. Overall, it looked like the wine was wearing a thickened silver-white shoe.

The two handles on her hand also began to decompose, like a cold snake wrapping her fingers inch by inch, and finally forming like silver half-finger gloves shining on the winery hand.

She tried to raise her hands and feet, which seemed to be a matter of material, which was not bulky and no different from normal shoes.

For the use of this, Witt followed the previous custom design of the wine, so she was extremely proficient. She pressed directly in the palms of her hands, and a semi-virtual screen appeared in front of her.

Gloves are equivalent to sensors, which can capture every movement of her and feed back to the screen in real time.

The virtual screen is very simple, and there are no redundant pictures. Just as Zhuangjiu was about to click, Witt, who received the news of half mecha opening, ran out of the laboratory and stood beside Zhuangjiu in the blink of an eye, looking at Zhuangjiu with a very nervous look.

[Sister, why didn't you call me when you started the experiment?]

Zhuang Jiu patted him on the head with a smile: "It's not a big deal. Don't be so nervous."

[But there is still a certain danger. If Victor is around, he can also catch his sister in time.]

Wine nodded: "Okay, please."

After clicking on the options of lift, floating and manual in the virtual screen, the semi-virtual screen disappeared and replaced by an rising force surging under the feet, but the speed was not fast, as if she were making her adapt and adjusting.

The wine quickly maintained the balance of the body and soon rose into mid-air. Ascending about 10 meters is the shield, she stopped and began to test forward and retreating within this height range.

Hundreds of years ago, because of an accident, something terrible happened on the planet. After that tragedy, Planet banned some research on mecha, so in fact, the group of mechanics Zhuangjiu was the first capable mechanics after the planet reopened personal mecha research.

But even so, there are still a few people in the whole alliance who can successfully make full-body mecha, even half-body mecha is difficult to complete, let alone let human beings try to pair mecha and take off like the current wine.

Wine has also been empty on Witt's back before, and it has never experienced it alone. Looking at such a high ground, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. I didn't know how to move for a while.

[Sister, just like I moved forward before, the body only needs to move forward slightly to ensure a recoil.]

Victor's timely voice dispelled the fear in the winery's heart. She took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, I'll try."

Her body moved forward slightly, and her movements were detected by the receptor, and the recoil immediately moved her forward a lot of slowly.

If you take the first step, it will be much easier later. She felt the balance point and the skills of flying in the air. She quickly mastered many basic skills and quickly mastered the use of half mecha.

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