Chapter 7-8

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Wine = Zhuang Jiu (FL)
Freehand money = Qian Shouhui (ex best friend)

Chapter 7

On the top of the mountain, above the sea of clouds.

Miaocheng is a bustling city, but the city covers only one-quarter of the top of the whole mountain, and the remaining three-quarters of the area is all kinds of tea gardens.

The city is the largest tea supplier city on the planet. They sell a lot of tea here, and there is also a special kind of tea. Tea trees can only be planted on this mountain above 3,000 meters above sea level. If it is elsewhere or below 3,000 meters above sea level, the taste of the tea planted is completely different.

In the last life, when Zhuangjiu helped clean up the surrounding zombies and mutant plants, it was warmly entertained by the head of the local security zone, using this kind of tea. Although she only drank one, her mouth was fragrant and refreshing, and she had been thinking about this taste for several years.

This is the unique alpine tea in Miaocheng.

Because of this feature, it will be sold for six star coins in one or two. Although it is expensive, it has also attracted many planetars who like tea to buy it.

After thinking that the food I had bought before had far exceeded what I needed for seven years, the wine wine did not buy so much food, but went to the tea plantation outside the city.

The tea garden has a complete tea production process. If you are patient, you can follow the tea farmers all the way and experience the whole process of picking tea and stir-frying tea. But if you just want to buy it, there is a special shop next to the tea garden, which has a variety of tea leaves to choose from.

From white to black, neatly arranged according to color, waiting for people to come and choose and buy.

Although wine doesn't drink tea very often, it sometimes works until it forgets to eat, or when it takes a long time to concentrate, it needs to refresh itself.

And it tastes really good and suits her taste.

"What does this lady want to buy?"

As soon as Zhuangjiu took Witt into the store, a clerk greeted him enthusiastically: "We have white tea, black tea, green tea, etc., as well as our unique alpine tea in Miaocheng. The taste and color of each tea are completely different. Please follow me. We have a special tea room.

Because outsiders come to buy it all year round, the clerks are familiar with light cars in marketing.

The clerk brought the wine into a small private room.

The steaming tea has been arranged on the wooden coffee table, and opposite is a small holographic commentator who will explain according to the set language and movements.

This cup is white tea. It has high medicinal value. It can also sober up wine and relieve alcohol, clear away heat and moisten the lungs, etc. It tastes sweet. Generally, younger friends may like it.

This cup is our alpine tea in Miaocheng. The tea is white and slightly bitter when it is drunk, but it will soon return to sweetness, and there is also a fragrance of mint, which is most suitable for refreshing. You can try it."

Bar wine did not look at other teas, but directly picked up alpine tea and looked up.

She was originally here for it.

Indeed, the slight bitterness in the mouth was only a moment, and then the tip of the tongue tasted the sweetness. The place where the tea flowed through seemed to be opened, with a slight coldness.

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