46. Once

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"Aemond..." Aisha whispered curling into his side. He wrapped his arm around her soundlessly. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you." He echoed closing his eyes. She stared at him gnawing at the inside of her lip.

"Can we... talk about it?" Aisha asked.

"There is nothing to talk about." Aemond countered.

"Then will you look at me." Aisha requested. Aemond opened his eyes and stared down at her.

"I know I'm not your first choice." Aemond told her. "I know that Aegon was your first love. I know he loves you. I have known that for years." Aemond informed her and she broke eye contact unable to look at him but he lifted her chin gently to him. "I know you love him too." Aemond told her softly. "But I love you."

"I love you." Aisha assured.

"You were always my first love." Aemond told her. "So... loving you was easy. I hoped after all this time that-"

"I do love you." Aisha told him honestly pushing him back into the bed and trapping him between her legs. "I love you."

"But you love him too." Aemond remarked.

"He was my first friend." Aisha reminded him. "We had a plan, that plan changed, I'm always going to care about him." Aisha informed him. "But Aemond I love you. I love you so much." Aisha assured.

"How many times?" Aemond asked softly.


"How many times did you fuck him?" Aemond asked holding tight to her hips keeping her from leaving and Aisha stared back at him, her breathing shallow and she couldn't form words. "Aisha." Aemond demanded. "Tell me."


"Tell me." Aemond demanded. She hesitated swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Once." She answered.

"that's all? Don't lie to me." Aemond begged.

"It was once." Aisha promised. "It was... before I left to find my father." Aisha admitted swallowing back tears. "He, surprised me in the woods as I was headed out... i... Aemond I felt awful. I still do. I'm so sorry, I should have told you." Aisha whimpered. "I'm so sorry." Aisha told him over and over again. His grip loosened on her hips and he moved his hands up and down her waist as he nodded processing. "How did you..."

"Hela. What she said at supper." Aemond answered. Aisha nodded.

"He kissed me." Aisha admitted. "The other day, I pushed him away but..." Aisha let out a shaky breath but Aemond pulled her down to him wrapping his arms around her, encircling her. "Aemond, I'm so sorry." Aisha repeated.

"I forgive you." Aemond told her not letting her go.

"You do?" Aisha whispered.

"I do." Aemond agreed.

"I'm sorry." Aisha repeated.

"Let's not speak of it again." Aemond offered and she nodded into him kissing his chest.

"I love you." She whispered. He closed his eyes running his hands up and down her back.

"I love you too."


"Out of my way!" Erryk demanded. ''With me, Princess. I cannot let this treachery stand.'' He informed Rhaenys as he stole her away hiding her hair as they moved in the early morning light.

''Where are we?' Rhaenys questioned looking around.

''Just south of King's Way. The Blackwater's this way.'' Erryk remarked. "Aisha... she is-"

"I know." Rhaenys hissed. 'But I won't leave Meleys." Rhaenys said confidently. "If I could get to the Dragonpit, then..."

"No. They'll expect you there, Princess. You won't get past the gates. Now come. You must make for the riverfront and find a ship. Before they know you've gone." Erryk begged.

"Move it! Go! Go!" The watch Capitan was shouting as he was herding the people. ''This way! Keep moving! That's right. That's right! Onward!"

"This way." Erryk begged veering course.

"Halt! Halt! Keep moving!" the Capitan kept shouted as Rhaenys and Erryk tried to get though the people. ''All of you, move forward!'' horses neighed and confused patrons let out shaky breaths.

''Out of the way! Out of the way!' Erryk demanded trying to get them through. Rhaenys felt awful about leaving Aisha here but she made her stand clear. If Rhaenys wasn't with the hightowers she was against them. Rhaenys faltered though, after everything Rhaenyra did, killed her son in cold blood for power... was going to Rhaenyra really the right choice? Was Aisha right? Did it even matter if Aisha was right? Rhaenyra was the heir and there would be a war for this. 

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