23. Unions

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At 13 aegon was married to Helaena. Forever tied to her. Aisha was devastated. Then she found out that the queen wanted to speak to her a year later.

''Aisha my sweet I know you and Aegon are close.'' She nodded sadly. She still couldnt get over it. She had lost the love of her life. She lost her brother. She lost her sister. "But I have a request for you. An offer really. I spoke to your father at aegons wedding and well he has agreed to it.''

''To what?''

''A union between our houses.'' Alicent informed her.

''But Aegon-''

''Aemond my sweetling. ''

''Aemond?'' Aisha didn't understand and she was a very smart girl.

''Within the next year.'' Alicent told her. ''Aemond is still recovering but the maesters assure me he will be fine. I know you have been visiting him. Checking in on him. ''

''Aemond is my friend.'' Aisha agreed.

''He will be your husband soon enough. Would you like that?'' Alicent asked and aisha stared at her a moment longer. Aemond was her friend. He was nicer than aegon but she had been in love with aegon since she first met him over ten years ago.

But it would keep her at the castle. Keep her near Aegon if nothing else they would stay close friends. She couldnt really refuse.

''I... would.'' Aisha answered carefully.


Aisha couldnt look at aegon after that. She avoided him like the plague.


"Aisha!" Aemond declared putting his eye patch back on.

"Sorry, I can knock and come back in?" Aisha offered.

"No. come in."

"I... spoke to you mother." Aisha said slowly.

"You did?" Aemond had been told of the union he was very excited but Aisha looked more nervous then excited. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes.' Aisha assured smiling back at him as she sat at the end of his bed. "Do you know what we spoke of?"

"How would I know?" Aemond offered innocently.

"She told you." Aisha realized.

"You don't want me though." Aemond realized.

"It's not that. Its just you and Aegon were my closest friends... I think it might be strange." Aisha offered and Aemond nodded understanding.

"Is it because of my..." he waved a hand over his eye patch.

"No." Aisha said immediately. 'You have been my friend for a long time, practically our whole lives." Aisha reminded him.

"I have loved you for a long time." Aemond offered and Aisha looked up at him. "I know I'm not some tall handsome knight yet but I'm still growing." Aemond assured. "I will treat you right."

"I-" Aisha couldn't help but laugh. "I am glad to be marrying you." Aisha assured. "Someone told me a while back that it was better to marry someone you like then someone you hate. I like you Aemond. I think I could love you how a wife loves her husband."

"Really?" Aemond questioned.

"Really." Aisha agreed.

"Could I... would it be alright if I..." Aemond began.

"We are to be married. Go on." Aisha assured.

"Could I kiss you?" Aisha nodded. It was quick and light but Aemond had the biggest smile on his face when he pulled back.


When aegon found out the aemond was to be married he couldnt help the snide look on his face.

''Who are you to be wed to?'' Aegon asked as they walked

''What are we doing? Where are we going?'' Aemond asked as they walked the streets of flee bottom. ''Where are the guards?''

''Dont be such a baby your wife will thank me for this.'' Aegon assured.

At 12 aemond was led into a pleasure house. He stared around before putting his eye to the ground.

''I dont want to be here.'' Aemond whispered.

''To bad.'' Aegon told him. ''You will have to be as experienced as I if you ever hope to get anywhere in life.''


''Its about time dont you think? You dont want your future wife thinking that you dont know what you are doing,'' Aegon continued as they walked.

''I dont know what im doing though.'' aemond corrected.

''That's Why I'm bringing you here. To be a good brother. Hello ladies,'' aegon coed. The past year of fucking helaena was hell. Aishas visits had dwindled to public conversations or late night swims. She had a strong moral compass and now that she knew aegon would never be hers she wouldnt dare allow him to kiss her. No matter how many times she wished they had fucked at least once. Gotten him out of her system.

Aegon had changed after he was wed and not for the better. The drinking increased and aisha would see him coming and going at strange hours of the night. It made her miss the man she once knew.

''Aegon I dont want to do this.'' Aemond whispered.

''Dont worry. They will show you what its like.'' Aegon told him. ''Its about time you got it wet.''


''Dont be a baby your wife will never want you or maybe thats a good thing. I never want my wife.'' Aegon mused.

''Hello cutie.'' Aemond stared up nervously at the whore. ''Come on. I will take good care of you.'' She ensured but aemond stood frozen in place. Aegon pushed his back leading him forward.

''Dont take no for an answer. He needs to learn.'' Aegon spat with a chuckle.

Midnight Rain // Aemond Targaryen // Aegon II Targaryen (1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora