1. Aisha

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Aisha was the miracle baby. Rhaenys and Corlys couldnt be happier. Their relationship had been rocky. Worse than rocky it was on the edge of collapse. But one drunken night of passion, Aisha was conceived. Things had started looking up for them. It was as though their love had been renewed with the birth of their daughter.

A year younger than prince Aegon and a year older than Helaena Aisha was their perfect little girl. Aisha was driven and empowered. She had a strong moral compass and her family knew that she was destined for greatness.

But one day the waters of driftmark swallowed her up.

Laenor screamed and screamed for help. The king was coming to talk to his father and he had taken Aisha for a swim.

At 3 she should have been walking and running on unstable feet but she cried and cried whenever she was out of the water. So he put her down her legs submerged as she splashed.

''Lord Laenor.'' Joffrey called and Aisha turned around waving. ''Hello little love.'' Joffrey coed. ''Can i steal your brother for but a moment?" Aisha nodded turning back around. Laenor got up turning his back to Aisha for but a moment when joffreys jaw dropped. Laenor turned just in time to see a wave so large and ferocious come down. Aisha smiled up at it her arms extended towards the incoming waves

''Aisha!'' Laenor and Joffrey screamed sprinting towards her but the waves gobbled her up.

''Aisha!'' Laenor dove under the water frantically searching for her. It might have seconds or minutes or hours by the time their father came outside.

''What's going on?'' Corlys demanded

''Father... Aisha...'' laenor said out of breath before diving back under.

''No.' Coryls voice barely a whisper in the fading sun. Rain started to drizzle down around them as he ran into the water. Their eyes searched as they swam holding their breath.

''What in seven hells is going on!'' Rhaenys demanded. Joffrey popped up for breath.

''Princess... its Aisha. Shes lost in the water.'' Joffrey told her and Rhaenys heart plummeted. But as she stepped forward to start looking a bubble formed floating above the surface. Corlys and Laenor gasped for breath before seeing what Rhaenys was staring at. Aisha. Alive and content. Aisha was inside the water bubble. She waved happily at her mother as the water bubble popped and she landed in her mothers arms.

''Aisha? Are you alright love?''

''Again!'' Aisha declared. ''Again again again!''

Rhaenys looked to Corlys and Laenor before marching her back inside.


''What were you thinking!''

''I was thinking Aisha screams when shes not in the water and that we might have some fun before the storm.'' Laenor answered.

''She was left her unattended-''

''She's fine!'' Laenor reminded her. ''Better than fine our little Aisha is magical!''

''She could have died!'' Rhaenys shouted. Aisha was looking out the window catching water droplets as they fell.

''But she didnt!'' Laenor reminded her. ''You honestly dont think I feel awful!'' Laenor countered. ''I love Aisha! I love her so much. When I thought she was gone...'' laenor kneaded his hands over his face. ''Mother I swear it I just took my eyes off of her for a moment. I would never put her in danger.''

''Mama look!'' Aisha shouted and a water droplet levitated above her hand she ran with it floating in her palm holding it out. Corlys touched it and it burst. ''Aw man!'' Aisha said with a pout as she ran back outside to try and get another bubble to stay.

Midnight Rain // Aemond Targaryen // Aegon II Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now