chapter seven

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under the covers


TO SAY jungkook was devastated again but with not  broken heart but with broken mind, his mind run miles away even when he's on company, being new CEO isn't that easy..

at least to say jungkook trying his best to ignore the sexual desire that he got for the blonde, trying not to imagine him fucking the blonde on floor, dining table, or ever bent jimin down on his office desk

he tried yet his mind were always running making inappropriate imagination came across to his mind

it's been 2 months since he didn't see jimin, they're texting back and forth calling each other at night, laughing at each other's silliness.

"oppa are you sure it's okay that I'm going to invite taehyung? " y/n asked as she write down the people's name that going to invite on her wedding

"y/n it's fine, I'm okay" jungkook replied with no hesitation yes he still love his ex but he want have to future with jimin, he wants to go home and see jimin smiling, giggling, hugging him

he felt really head over heels to the blonde, his mind and heart can't get enough of the blonde

"oppa how about jiminie? his sooooo cute , common make a progress don't just waste him." y/n said while smirking at herself she added the imagination jimin with handsome man to get his older brother to move.

jungkook nod his head but when he recalls what his sister said his head rose again then glare at y/n

"spill the tea, before i tell to mom and dad that you used to sneak out to meet with hoseok" jungkook threaten
y/n pout, his brother threatening her again with old days

"oppa that's fast were getting married in two months... but yea I saw jiminie with handsome man and— " looking at her brother y/n cheer at her mind her mom going to be proud to her.

"and what"? y/n swallow her saliva now she's not so happy to her imaginary make-up story, her brother turn into most serious face, his aura become dark shit I'm dead aren't I? jiminie you have to say thank you to me.. god hoseok please rescue me

" a-and the guy grab jiminie ass then kissed him, b-but jiminie push him yeah" y/n added the last words when his brother smirking face become mad and angry

"I'm going out" jungkook declare already mad at himself got being so slow, also for that guy, how dare that stupid guy grab the jibooty that's only for him..

going wild

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