Clone Wars S1 E2 Rising Malevolence.

Start from the beginning

We cannot afford to lose any more ships, my friends. Ah, Master Skywalker. Have you had any success in finding General Grievous' secret weapon?

Revan steps aside as Anakin types in the hologram projector.

Master Plo was here in the Abregado system when we lost contact.

Cut back to Plo Koon's fleet. The Dreadnought was advancing on his fleet.

The enemy ship is closing!

Plo Koon:
Prepare for battle!

Count Dooku:
General Grievous, this will be a suitable test for our new weapon. You may fire when ready.

Yes, my lord.

On the side of the Dreadnought a large circular weapon was seen powering up. It looked to be a giant Ion Cannon.

On the bridge of Plo Koon's ship several men gathered around the hologram projector.

We're picking up a large energy reading
from the target, sir.

Plo Koon:
Open fire!

We're not in range yet, sir.

General Grievous:

General Grievous:Fire!

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The Ion Cannon fired.

A large circle of energy shot out of the side heading towards the ships

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A large circle of energy shot out of the side heading towards the ships.

Plo Koon:
Brace for impact!

The energy blast hit all three of the ships.

We're losing all our power! That energy field has left us defenseless!

Their shields are down.

General Grievous:
All cannons fire!

The cannons fired upon the ships, ripping them to shreds.

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