100| Escaping Lockdown

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"I think I got something," Sam announced.

He, Dean, and Lady Bevell were sitting around the library table in the dark, reading lore books. For once, Maddie and Zep weren't making a fuss about helping despite the fact that this was the exact part of the job they said they wanted to help with. Instead, they were both glued to my sides, just wanting me to hold them close and tell them it was going to be okay.

"'When the Romani people were forced to assimilate Europe, the, uh, the Roman used a spell, the Abrogation ritual, as an act of rebellion against their persecutors. The Devla turns back complex mechanical processes, resets equipment, machinery.'"

"What's it take?" Dean asked.

"Seems like pretty basic ingredients. Nothing we don't already have. Oh."

"What?" Bevell asked.

"The mechanisms, 'must be anointed with the blood of virgins'."

Lady Bevell looked over to me and the kids.

"Absolutely not," I snarled at her, drawing them in closer to me.

"Alright, well, then, I guess we keep on looking."

"Or we fake it," Sam suggested.

"Excuse me?" Lady Bevell demanded.

"We fake it. I mean, I've read half a dozen purification rituals in the last hour. If we used one of those on- on our blood..."

"Then, what? Revirginize it?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe," Sam shrugged.

"So we purify the blood, then we do the spell," Bevell nodded her head. "Two-step, hybrid magic."

Sam, Dean, Lady Bevell and I all contributed some of our blood while Sam recited the spell to purify it. Once that was done, the Brit began her portion, mixing in the rest of the ingredients to perform the ritual Sam had found.

"Fármichi, fármichi, mashuna parra, mashuna parra."

The Bunker rumbled, and Maddie and Zep buried their faces in my sides while I held them close. Electricity started crackling and the lights flickered on and off.

"It's working," Sam said. "It's working!"

The Bunker started to power up, and we all looked around in surprise. However, a moment later, it powered back down again.

"No," Bevell sighed. "No."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Ketch. He knew we'd..." the Brit exhaled sharply. "He must've put some kind of mystical dampener on the Bunker's lockdown. Magic won't work."


"Okay, we have... exhausted brains, so I say we try brawn," Dean said, laying a blueprint out on the table.

"How?" Sam asked.

"Walls. Now, the garage, the Crow's Nest, these are all reinforced steel, right? But right here," he tapped a spot on the blueprint, "that's nothing but concrete. And right there, that's an old sewer pipe, goes straight to the surface... to the override."

"So, wait a second. We're just gonna..."

"Straight Shawshank this bitch."

Sam and Dean got pick axes, heading over to the concrete wall. Sam stood off to the side as Dean took the first swing and immediately got hit in the face with debris.

"Goggles?" I suggested with a smirk.

"Goggles," Dean confirmed, squinting and blinking the debris from his eyes.

After getting the necessary eye gear, the brothers alternated hitting the wall with the axes. After several minutes, they'd barely made an impact in the wall.

"Yeah," Dean grunted, sitting down.

"Oh, yeah," Sam groaned, sitting beside him.

They were both breathing heavily from the little excursion.

"We earned a break," Dean said.

"Yeah," Sam nodded.

"We'll get there."

"No. No, we won't," Sam said, twisting around to look at where they were hammering. "We're not gonna hit dirt for three days. Two if we're lucky. I know you both feel it- the air, it's thin."

He inhaled deeply.

"And it's getting thinner. How did this happen?"

"What part?" I asked.

"All of it."

"Yeah," I shook my head. "You know, it wasn't long ago, I thought we had it made. We saved the world. We got Cass back. I got my mom back. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but still, we had 'em. And now..."

"Now they're all gone," Dean finished. "Ellie, your mom... what they did to her..."

He scoffed, shaking his head.

"I just fell for the company line."

"We both did," Sam chimed in. "Man, I..."

He inhaled deeply, exhaling sharply.

"I saw what they were doing, and I- and I thought, hunters on that scale, working together... how much good we can do. And once I was in, I... I just followed. 'Cause it was easy. Easier."

"Easier than what?" Dean looked over at him.

"Easier than leading."

Dean nodded in agreement, and they both hung their heads. I moved in closer to Dean, leaning my head on his shoulder, and he rested his head against mine.

"Is this how you guys pictured it?" Sam asked, throwing a chunk of concrete. "The end?"

"Oh, you know it's not," Dean chuckled. "I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style."

"Yeah," Sam chuckled as well. "Blaze of Glory."

"Blaze of Glory."

I lifted my head from Dean's shoulder, looking back at the wall with a shocked expression as I realized something.

"Son of a bitch," I grinned.

The brothers looked at me curiously as I got to my feet, hurrying down the hall and returning with the grenade launcher.

"You're lunatics," Lady Bevell said when we clued her into the plan. "This is a colossally stupid idea."

"Yep," I grinned, still holding the launcher. "Big, beautiful, and dumb. Dean's had this thing for so long. We've been waiting for the perfect moment to use it."

"The explosion could kill us all. You could bring the whole bloody place crashing down."

"Yeah," I grinned over at Dean, laughing.

"Yeah," he grinned back, also laughing. 

"You're lunatics. Action movie-loving, cheeseburger-eating, moronic American lunatics."

Sam ushered her out of the room while Dean made sure Maddie and Zep were clear as well.

"Okay, beautiful," I muttered, pointing the grenade launcher at the concrete wall. "Yippee ki-yay, mother-"

I pulled the trigger, causing several explosions to go off, followed by a bunch of falling debris. Before it fell over the hole, I managed to get through, my knee badly injured from the explosions. Crawling up the sewer pipe Dean had indicated, I finally reached the surface and flipped the override switch. Limping through the door, I smiled down at Dean.

"Hey, lunatic," I greeted him.

"Mom!" Maddie and Zep chorused.

They both ran up the stairs, barreling into me and I winced, crying out.

"Easy, easy," I told them. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

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