32| Won't Miss

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I got back to the Bunker covered head to toe in blood. All the Stynes were dead except the three who had come to burn the Bunker down. After murdering one of them, I was only left with Eldon and a young one.

"Well, there she is," Eldon smirked as I appeared in the doorway. "I hope you brought marshmallows."

"Been looking for you," I said, tone ominous.

"Oh yeah? Why is that? Oh wait. You're not still sore about um, what's her name?"

"Charlie," I replied. "Her name was Charlie."

"Yeah, well," Eldon chuckled. "Chuckie got what she deserved. Wanna know how I did her? It's kinda funny story-"

"Shut up."

"Straight to it, then. I respect that. See, you got lucky before. This time, I'm sporting some new upgrades. See my old man-"

"Your old man's dead," I cut him off. "They're all dead. So you can save me the speech about the three hearts, the two spleens, the seven nipples, for the ladies... or the fellas. I don't judge. But even with all that, you still only have one brain."


Drawing my gun, I shot him in the head before he could even register what was happening. Once he'd dropped to the ground, I surged forward, pointing my gun at the young boy.

"No no no no no, don't! Don't!" he cried.

"Why not? You're one of them."

"No. No, I'm not! Okay, I hate my family! See, look!" he said, pulling up his shirt. "No stiches! I'm not like them, I promise."

"Oh, you are like them. There's bad in you. It's in your blood. Now you can deny it and you can run from it all you want, but that bad... will always win."

He shook his head, close to tears.

"I'll do anything you want. Okay, please. You don't need to do this. Please."

I pulled the gun back by my head, looking down.

"Yeah," I said, moving the gun back to point at his head. "I do."

I shot him in the head, and he fell back on the pile of stuff they'd made. Just then, there were footsteps behind me, and I turned to see Dean standing in the doorway.

"Ellie!" he cried, looking at the dead bodies. "What have you done?"

I moved out of the way as he rushed over to the younger boy, checking his pulse.

"You killed him," he said.

"I took down a monster," I replied. "Because that's what we do. And I'll continue to do that until..."

"Until you become the monster."

"You can leave now, Dean."

"No. I can't. Because I'm your husband."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows. "Well tell me something. Are husbands supposed to screw over their wives?!"

"Sam, Cass and I were trying to cure you! We still are!"

"Like hell," I hissed.

"We can read the Book now," he told me.

"Oh, so what? So you MIGHT find a spell that MIGHT take this crap off my arm? But even if you do, what's it gonna cost? 'Cause magic like that does not come free. No, it comes with a price that you pay in blood. So thanks, but I'm good."

I turned away to walk out, but he rushed forward, grabbing my shoulder to stop me.

"No! You're not. Maybe you could fight the Mark for years. Maybe centuries, like Cain did. But we have a way to read the Book now. And if there's even a small chance we can save you, I won't let you walk out of this room!"

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