Chapter Fourteen | And, unfortunately, what did Genie say to Aladdin?

Start from the beginning

I look at the billboard and sigh, 'his level.' I knew it was true, but I didn't want to hear it coming out of anyone's mouth.

Sophia was probably more his level than me.

Something was vibrating on the counter, I turned to see Nicholas phone.

I still haven't given it back to him. It said sectary. I picked it up and slide the answer button. "If Nicholas is calling about his phone, then tell him I'm going to bring it in a few minutes."

"Oh great, I thought I had to travel. Thank you."

"No problem." I ended the call and shoved it back into my pocket.

Jake walks in for his shift., I remove my apron and walk towards him as he smiles in my direction. I squealed as I embraced him in a tight hug. "Jake, how are you feeling?"

"Better, and I saw the magazines, the newspapers, the billboards, the good morning show. My baby girl is famous, and you look sexy."


"I know, my bestie is famous! Oh, it's one, alright I'm going to get changed." I nodded my head handing him my apron as I grab my bag.

I take Nicholas phone and walk out of the store that seemed to be busy tonight. I took a trip to the coffee shop, getting myself and Nicholas some coffee and lunch.

I walked towards his company which was only half an hour away, stepping inside. I stumble past the reception smiling at her, she gives me a fake smile. I press the elevator button; it opens straight away, and I step in. As I do I hear someone shout for me to hold the lift, I quickly stick my foot out and the man stepped inside. He looked familiar.

"Thank you. I thought I had to wait-Arabella." His dark brown hair, his green eyes. He looked didn't look like Ace at all, so he couldn't be related. "My name is Rodrigues, Nicholas' sexy younger brother. Now, tell me why I haven't met my brother's wife nor went to his wedding?"

"We-we had a secret wedding; I don't really like big weddings."

"Oh, is it now? Okay...a bit sketchy but something he would definitely do." I awkwardly chuckle, waiting for the elevator to hurry up. "So- "The doors open, and I immediately get out, stepping into his office I see him focusing as I walked towards him.

His head lifts up and locks with my own, "I got you some coffee and lunch, also you left your phone at left your phone at home." I handed him the food and coffee; he nods his head and takes his phone from my grasp.

"Fratelli, congratulazioni per il tuo matrimonio. Mamma sta impazzendo." I kept on forgetting they both speak Italian; I sit down onto the chair in front of his desk and take out the bag as I hand him his lunch. I take my own and continue to listen in on their conversation.

[Brother, congratulations on your marriage. Mum is freaking out.]

"Cosa sta dicendo?" I nearly spat on my sandwich, why was his voice even sexier when he spoke Italian. I swallowed my food and faced his brother for a reply.

[What did she say?]

"Vuole incontrarla venerdì al Palazzo delle Guardie Reali. Vuole anche che restate entrambi alla villa per una settimana. La sua amica si sposa e vi ha invitati entrambi." He looked straight in my direction as he settles down on the chair next to me. "I know you understand Arabella,"

[She wants to meet her on Friday at the Royal Guards Palace. She also wants you both to stay at the mansion for a week. Her friend is getting married and invited you both.]

"Right, sorry."

Oh, shit he caught me out.

"Grande. Come see le cose non andaro meglio." He throws his food onto the table and pushes himself out of the chair, grabbing his black curls.

[Great. As if things could not get any better]

"It shouldn't be a problem, am I right Arabella?" He gazed right into my soul.

"No, no I don't mind."

"Good. Our mother is a tough woman. So good luck on trying to get her onto your side." He stands up and presses the button to the elevator. "And if you are going to fake this marriage, then at least get the rings on." My eyes widen as he enters the elevator leaving us in utter shock.

Nicholas sighs as he walks towards a frame, he lifts it up and it reveals a safe. He opens it after putting in a code, it reveals two boxes, he hands me one and I open it. My eyes expand, a wedding ring.

I take the ring out of the box.

"Five point five million dollars, it's a nineteen-carat halo diamond." I put the ring back inside the box and hand it back to Nicholas. He crossed his eyebrows as I turn my face away from him. "What is it? Do you want something more expensive? I can make some- "

"No. I'm not putting that on my finger."

"And why not?"

"Because-it-what if I lose it?"

"I have insurance." He answers, settling back down onto his chair.

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