A Day w/ Kylie

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I woke up to the blinding light of the sun as it shines through the door to my balcony. I rolled over so the sun wasn't in my eyes.

I had a slight headache from the alcohol I drunk last night. I checked my phone next to me seeing that I had a few texts. The only one that stood out was a good morning text from Kylie.

I texted her back and proceeded with my morning routine. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and did my skincare routine. My outfit theme today was red.

I adjusted my hat while spraying some cologne

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I adjusted my hat while spraying some cologne. I finished up by putting on light jewelry. I grabbed my phone taking notice of Kylie's text.

king kylie💕: I hope this isn't weird but im like really excited to see you

Me: not weird at all, im excited to see you too

"Who's got you smiling so hard?" Robyn asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Mind your business." I reply.

"You are my business." She said snatching my phone out my hand.

I ain't even try to fight for it back. I just continued making a plate of food that our personal chefs cooked.

"Kylie huh? You better be careful messing with that damn girl." Robyn said.

"Why you say that?" I asked confused.

She sits in the chair across from me. "You don't hear all the stories about that family? They literally have the power to end people's careers. Like Ray J for example. Or every ball player they've messed with. They suck now to keep it simple. All I'm trying to say is watch yourself. One wrong move and it'll be like you never existed."

They cannot be that bad or that evil. Kylie seems so sweet and Kendall's cool as fuck. They're the only ones I've met so far. I've known Kenny for years so this seems a bit absurd.

"I'll believe it when it happens." I shrug.

"Don't be stupid now Y/N. Just be careful." Robyn says.

I take my phone back from her and finished eating. Kylie sent me her address and I let her know that I was on the way.

When I pulled up the gate automatically opened like she knew I was here. I hopped out of my " and headed to her front door.

Her house was huge. Had to be slightly bigger than the place I share with Robyn. The front door opened revealing Kylie.

"Hi." She said with a huge smile.

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