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I saw her. 

I talked to her. 

She talked to me. She talked to me a lot. Like, full on rambled non stop. 

And then I walked away from her. Without even asking her if she was okay. 

 I'm such a dick. 

But if we're being honest? I was afraid of her. I've never seen her this close, and I didn't even notice how short she was compared to me before now. She's tiny, probably only 5'4, whereas I stand at 6'4.

A whole foot taller.

She was so beautiful, and I honestly didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know how to casually bring up what happened nine years ago. 

I don't even think she noticed it was me.

I still can't believe she's here. 

Ezra softly blows into his harmonica, a song that sounds like the blues coming out, wallowing in self pity. 

Why? Because Jay ate his oreos. 

As much as I hate to say this, it sounds harmonious. 

"Do you take requests?" Finn asks, smiling at him. 

Ezra's face lights up. "Yeah," He smiles, looking at Finn in expectation. 

"Please stop." Finn's smile drops as he says this, walking away. 

Ezra looks at me in sorrow, and confusion,  his brown eyes widening in sadness. 

He looks exactly like Beverly, they could be siblings. 

I wouldn't be surprised if they were. The same shade of blond hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that could make anyone swoon. 

Not me, of course. 

I shrug, and walk into the kitchen. Jay, Nolan and Finn sit in the kitchen, on their phones. "Is Bev coming over?" Jay asks Finn. 

Finn takes a sip of water from the sink, and he nods. "I think she's on her way with her roommate." He wipes his mouth. 

"What? She's never even talked about her roommate and now she's bringing her over? To watch us humiliate ourselves with tattoos?" Ezra walks over, and he rests his side on the counter, crossing his arms. He's got a lot of muscle, I'll give him that. But I don't think he could throw a punch. 

He's clumsy, just like Bev. 

Finn shrugs. "She told me her roommate hasn't really been out much lately. So, don't be jerks, you got it? Bev warned me that she talks a lot." His bottom lip pulls out, his neck muscles tightening. His eyes widen, cringing. 

It just looks like a really nerdy smile. 

"But she knows it's your birthday, so maybe she'll bring you a present." He beams.

I rest my head on the counter. Great, just what I need, an annoying college girl. 

"I've only met her today, but she seems nice. Kind of weird, but Bev seems to love her." Finn shrugs, walking away into his room.

I sigh, thinning my lips. 

My guess? 

Tonight's gonna suck.


The door opens, and I hear Bev laugh, so maybe the roommate is funny. If she's funny, it would make tonight more bearable. 

DaisyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon