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"You've completely bungled this!" Finn yells, his helmet becoming loose. He quickly fastens it and groans in dismay. 

"I should've known we'd lose at paintball, we have Ezra on our team." I roll my eyes. 

Ezra looks over at the sound of his name, and he smiles across the arena. He's completely out in the open, and I hold in a frustrated groan. I'm surprised he hasn't been shot. 

We are definitely going to lose. "I wish Bev was on my team." Finn mumbles, holding his gun in the complete wrong way. 

"Well, tough luck bud, she wanted to kick your ass on the other team, now speaking of which, can we please go find them so we can win?" I ask. 

He sighs, looking down. "Alright, alright fine." 

We carefully stand up, bent down low. 

The paintball arena is old, but the theme is the jungle. 

It was made from an old school, so there are classrooms and hallways, but everything is covered in vines and there's a speaker, bird noises flowing through it. 

There's ten minutes left on the timer. 

We've got to win, or me, Finn and Ezra have to get tattoos. 

I really don't want a tattoo.

We scurry like ants, all three of us, and we run to the old elevator, covered in old vines.  We press the floor we want to go on, and it begins to move. 

"This is kind of like Terminator." Ezra smiles. 

"Okay, Ezra. I'm going to need you to stop talking." 

He looks at me in hurt. "You know what, I'm going to get this elevator stuck so we lose the game, because you're being mean." He begins to jump up and down, and me and Finn stare at him. 

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing?" Finn asks gently, like he's talking to a two year old. 

"I'm activating the seismic fail safe on the elevator. We'll be stuck in between floors for hours." He looks at me in mischief as he keeps jumping, but honestly, the elevator is barely moving. 

"Are you aware your pants are falling down?" I raise an eyebrow.

We've officially been moved out for eight weeks. 

Eight weeks of hell. 

Everyone loves college, especially my friends. They love the professors, they love the classes, and football. But I personally would rather be anywhere else. 

It's not as fun when there's this one thing hanging over your head ever since nine years ago, that makes you question your integrity as a person.

College is supposed to be where everyone finds out who they are, finds out who their real friends are. But I already know who my friends are, and I already know who I am. 

I'm a fraud.

There's nothing that could prove me wrong. 

I always act like I'm tough and strong, but really, I can't protect anyone. There's nothing I can do to save anyone. I'm just as powerless as everyone else. 

Things have changed, and it's only been two months. Bev has already made friends with her roommate, we've gone to a total of seven parties, and hockey season has already started. 

I got here with a hockey scholarship, and I made varsity. I'm hoping to get drafted to the NHL, but honestly, I'd be fine if I didn't. It'd be good to find new interests, I guess. But on the other hand, I would rather have something to put my anger into.

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