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"What about your question?" Atlas asked, snapping Elira out of his trance.

"Why..." Elira stopped for a second. "Why did you save me from the bot?" He thought for a moment before elaborating. "You had no reason to trust me, I was being suspicious and weird and you had no reason to trust me. You didn't have to step in. You didn't have to help. You didn't have to get involved. So why?"

"We saw you fight," Astrophel said, their voice smooth and cold. "We saw you save those civilians, we saw you fight that Robot. You didn't need to save them. You could've run. Could've saved yourself. But you didn't. That's why we trust you."

"That's also our next question," Atlas said. "Why do you trust us?"

"Can you use your projector this time?" Nixie asked, he seemed stoic towards Elira although that could be how he usually is.

    Elira shifted uncomfortably but complied. He'd given them that option, it made sense why they'd want him to use it. He pulled the front of his gown down, revealing his flat chest and the triangle in its center. "I suppose..." his face went red, he couldn't believe he was going to say this. "It's because of Amber." The projector flashed a hologram of Amber, first when they met, then in the coffee shop. "They- what are your pronouns?"

    "He/They," Amber replied. "Yours?"

    "He/She," Elira answered before continuing. "He was nice to me. Usually there's a false kindness, or people just being polite. Costumers usually just pay and leave. Amber was genuinely nice to me in the store, and didn't even need to be," Elira glanced at him, and they made eye contact before he quickly looked away. "Sorry, I know it's stupid. It's just- when you pair that with the fact that you all saved me," He stopped, frustrated with himself- why was this so hard for him to say? "I don't know, not many people do that. You didn't chain me to this table. You didn't lock the door you come in from. You're not afraid of me. You're cautious, but who wouldn't be?" He sighed, "Sorry."

    Castin and Kyra shared a look, as did Atlas and Astrophel.

    "Ah, um..." Elira spoke, his voice still strained. "Sorry, I don't know how to put it. For whatever reason, I feel safe in this room with all of you. I don't know why, sorry." There was an awkward silence for a second. "Sorry," he added again, feeling his throat tighten.

    "I think I may know why," Castin said hesitantly. Elira looked up at them curiously. "Uh, I can sort of control peoples emotions, in a way."

    Elira gave them a look. "I can't make people feel things they don't want to or don't already feel, it has to already exist, alls I do is heighten those feelings," he hurriedly explained. "So this entire time I've been using my power to make sure you were calm so you wouldn't freak out or anything, that's probably why."

    Elira studied them for a moment. "Pronouns?" She signed.

    "Ah, He/Him," Castin replied. "Kyras are She/They, Atlas's are They/Them, Astrophels are She/He, and Nixies are He/They."

    "Thanks," Elira signed.

    "Sorry," Castin said, picking at his palm. "I'll stop using my power on you now." He stared at his hand as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. "Sorry."

    "It's my turn," Elira signed. "Ah this is so stupid, I'm sorry," what was she doing? Castin had apparently stopped using his powers but that warm, soft feeling in her stomach remained. She wasn't worried or anxious for the first time in a long time. She felt... safe? "Can I... Ah-" she folded in on herself, clutching her knees to her chest. She closed her eyes and put her head in her knees. "Can I stay with you all for a bit?" She asked, raising her head to gauge their reaction.

Elira Where stories live. Discover now