Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms

Start from the beginning

Octavia Melody: "I prefer classical music and I play the cello."

Vinyl Scratch: "I'm a DJ and I prefer dubstep."

F/N: "Sounds interesting, I would like to hear you two play sometime." You said which made the two musicians smile.

Vinyl Scratch: "Oh you and I are going to get along fine and who knows, maybe we should play a song together sometime.

Octavia Melody: "It would be an honour."

Rainbow Dash: "Come on F/N, our friends are waiting."

F/N: "Alright I'll see you two." You said and walked away with Rainbow Dash.

Octavia Melody: "He seems like a nice guy. Right Vinyl?" She said. 'I would love to hear what else he can play.' She thought.

Vinyl Scratch: "You're right Tavi. He's a fun guy we should hang out with sometime." She agreed. 'Not to mention he looks hot.' She thought.

You and the girls (minus Sunset Shimmer) were in cafeteria, having lunch when Rainbow Dash suggested an idea.

F/N: "A band?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, we should form a band. The musical showcase is coming up and I heard F/N here can play guitar and sing." She said which made the other girls look at you.

Pinkie Pie: "You can play guitar?"

Rarity: "You can sing?"

F/N: "Yeah but back to Rainbow's idea. You want us to form a band?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah we've all played instruments before."

F/N: "You girls can play instruments? What can you play?" You asked with interest.

Rainbow Dash: "I can electric guitar."

Applejack: "I can play bass guitar."

Rarity: "I can play the piano."

Fluttershy: "I can play the tambourine."

Pinkie Pie: "I can play the drums."

F/N: "Okay colour me impressed and as for Rainbow Dash's idea to form a band, let's put it to a vote. If you want to form a band, put your hand up." You said and everyone puts their hand up. "Okay we have all agreed to Rainbow Dash's idea so let's form a band."

The girls smiled at the idea of being in a band and decided to get the instruments they play ready.

Time Skip

You and the girls arrived at a music store where you saw Vinyl Scratch behind the counter and she notices you.

Vinyl Scratch: "Hey F/N, what's up?"

F/N: "Hi Vinyl, you work here?"

Vinyl Scratch: "You got it. So what can I help you with?"

F/N: "Nah I'm just browsing but Rainbow Dash here needs a new guitar." You said as Rainbow Dash brings out a guitar case.

Rarity: "Rainbow Dash, I simply don't understand why you can't just play the guitar you have." She said.

Only to watch as Rainbow Dash opens her guitar case, revealing an old and broken guitar which made Rarity gasp.

Rarity: "Oh now I understand."

F/N: "Yeah your definitely going to need a new guitar." You said.

Vinyl Scratch: "Definitely, this one is beyond repair." She said as she inspect Rainbow's broke guitar.

Pinkie Pie: "How about this one?" She asked as she held up an purple guitar with black stripes.

Rainbow Dash: "No."

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