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Hearing her laughs from across the room, Booker hated the way Cami seemed so happy with the "New kid" Liam.

"Cami used to laugh with me like that." Booker pouts. "I remember her laughing at you" Ivy says. "It was like being belittled by an angel" Booker smiled. A dude came in with a bag and booker stood up to grabbing the it. The guy held out his hand for a tip and Booker daps him up.

"Appreciate you".

Booker sits back down. "What's that?" Ivy asked. "These are the spiciest wings known to man" Booker motioned to the sticker on the back. "Ooh, where are they from?" Neil asks. "From the Spiciest Wings Known to Man Shack" Booker replied.

"Now, I'm gonna offer some to Liam, and while his mouth is on fire," Booker said; "I'ma swoop in and ask Cami out.".

"Uh, Booker, are you sure-?" Neil asked. "Nah. No, no, no, let him go" Ivy says. Booker nods and gets up from the table and makes his over to the table where Cami, Liam, Kaiden, and Dahlia were sitting. "This is gonna be good" Ivy says before she drinks her smoothie.

"What's up? What y'all, uh, what y'all over here doing?" Booker asked. "Uh, it's a cafeteria, so we're eating," Cami responds. "Eating. That's what's up." Booker says. "What are you doing over here?" Kaiden asks, rudely. "I wanna share some of our amazing American cuisine with our new friend Liam over here, Kaiden" Booker says.

Kaiden rolls his eyes and turns his attention to Dahlia and whatever she was watching as he hears her soft laughs.

"These are Classic American buffalo wings" Booker says as he pulls out the food he bought. "Well, that is proper nice of you" Liam says as he smiles before taking one of the wings to eat. "Mmm. Mmhm!" Liam says as he chews on the meat. "It's brilliant." Liam says. "Do they make spicy ones?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" Booker questions; "They gave me the wrong wings?".

Booker bite into the wings and begins to cry and yelps; "No, those are the right wings!".

"You good, B? They look a little too hot for you." Dahlia laughs as she and Kaiden got up to leave once they heard the lunch bell ring. Dahlia hands her friend her unopened water and he quickly opens it. "We gotta get to class, babe." Kaiden says. "Babe?!" Booker thought as he chugs down the water.

"What do you do for fun on the weekends?" Liam asks Cami as they got up to leave for their next class as well.

"Take me out on a Saturday and I'll show you." Camilla giggled as she leaves with the new kid.

Booker spits out the water he had in his mouth in an instant; "Huh?".

"So, are you happy with how that turned out, hot stuff?" Ivy asks booker as they walked into their art class

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"So, are you happy with how that turned out, hot stuff?" Ivy asks booker as they walked into their art class.

"Nope. At least this day can't get any worse" Booker spoke. "Good afternoon class" Raven says as she came into the room. "I'm your new art teacher, Ms.Baxter" She added, making eye contact with her son and friend. "Hey baby!" Raven said before her smile widens. "I was wrong. This is worse" Booker sighed as he placed on his hood and Ivy giggles.

"Oh, no, no. I'm enjoying it!" Ivy says. "Hey, Ms.B" Ivy said to Raven. "Hey girl" Raven wiggled her fingers. "So, I know this used to be your free period, but that ends now" Raven announced. The whole class groans. "And so does that. This is a no-groan zone" Raven says to her students.

"Okay, so, I got the lesson plan right here and today we're gonna be learning about..." Raven checks the folder before making a confused expression; "about the history of lines?".

The class groaned once more. "No, uh-uh-uh! No-groan zone" Raven warns. "I promise, art in any form is--is exciting and inspiring." She promised. Moments passed by and the class grew more boring by each passing second. "And one more line and you've got a..." Raven says as she motions to the whiteboard with a square on it.

"Anybody?" Raven asks her silent class.

"Anyone?" She asks again.

"It's a... It's a square." Raven sighed, giving up.

"Art is so boring." Camilla groans as she faced Liam. "Thomas Merton says, "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.", interesting huh?" Liam stated with a smile. Cami giggled; "Who said art is boring? Not me, obviously".

Booker rolled his eyes as he watch the scene play out. "She's only into him because of his accent" Booker said. Neil scoffs and nods. "Yeah, probably has nothing to do with his eyes or his smile or-" Ivy cuts Neil off. "Or the fact that you could see that six-pack through his shirt." She says she played her hair and stared at Liam with a grin on her lips.

"Okay, fine. He's perfect" Booker rolled his eyes before he goes into a vision.

Booker's vision:

Liam smiled before he spoke in a surfer accent.

[Liam] Bro, my favorite thing about the Bay is the gnarly waves!

Booker caught his breath before he shook his head once his vision goes away. "Wait, his accent's fake?" Booker whispered as he begins to smile, happily. "Oh, I'ma take down the new new kid!" His eyes lit up. "Stop talking to yourself in class, Booker." Raven whispered her warning to her son as she passed by him and shook her head.

Booker nods and chuckles, nervously; "Right".

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞; 𝑩.𝒃𝒂𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓-𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 Where stories live. Discover now