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Hopping onto a cable car, Booker and Raven took a seat.

"I'm just gonna say it. I'm just gonna say it, okay?" Raven said; "They got some bougie lost and founds in San Francisco!".

"I look better than when I left the house." Raven smiled. "-You look fine." Booker says with a soft smile. "Yes, I do." Raven laughs before her son took a seat. "Pier 39, here we come!" Raven called out, happily. "All aboard!" The cable car man yells.

"Excuse me. Hi, I'm trying to get my son to fall in love with the city!" Raven smiled; "Do you think you can throw in some fun stories about how great it is to grow up here?".

"Oh" The man laughs; "No, I'm Kit, from Albuquerque".

"Oh, uh, well, kit. Here's 20 dollars!" Raven hands him the money. "Name's Frisco Fred!" Kit says out loud as he played along. "Born and raised in San Francisco. Which is why they call me Frisco Phil!" Kit says as he points to booker. "Listen. Excuse me, you just said "Frisco Fred.", kit?" Raven says, quietly.

"Well, that's what you get for 20 bucks." Kit says.

The driver, Kit, rings the bell and the car begins to move. Raven gasps; "Here we go! Here we go!". "Yay!" Booker gives his mother a smile as he looks around. "Look. You, me, a cable car." Raven says; "Oh! What could be better than that?".

"Hanging with the girl of my dreams..." Booker says with the thought of him and Cami dancing together.

"The girl of your dre-" Raven squealed before hugging her son. "Oh, baby. I love you too!" She says. Eventually the car came to quick stop and Kit calls out; "Here we are. Golden Gate Park!". The whole car that was once filled with people was now empty and only had three people inside. "Hey, where's everyone going?" Raven asked.

"Uh, there's a huge concert!" Kit answered.

"A concert? Now that sounds like fun. Doesn't it, Mom?" Booker stated. He was trying his hardest to change his mom's mind. Booker gets up but only to get pulled back down to his seat by his mother.

"Uh-uh-uh, no." Raven said. "We're not going to no stinking concert.".

"We're gonna have a great time at the pier like I used to with my friends!" Raven says. "Oh, you're missing out. I met the love of my life at that concert!" Kit mentions. "Unfortunately, he met my brother." Kit frowned; "They have two lovely kids and live in Albuquerque!".

"Where I'm not from, of course" Kit got back into his "Character".

"Love of your life, huh?" Booker asked. "Hmm." Kit nods. What if he and cami were together at the concert? Could cami be the love of his life? How amazing would that be if she was! Those were the things going on in Booker's head at the moment.

"Uh, excuse me, Frisco Phil-- Fred, could you do less personal information?" Raven asked, "And a little more Pier 39, and step on it! Thanks.".

"It's a lever." Kit corrected.

"Then pull on it." Raven raised her eyebrows.

Booker huffs, and gets up to pull the lever forward, stopping the cable car from moving. "Booker, what are you doing?" Raven asked. "Yeah, passengers aren't supposed to touch the lever." Kit says. "I don't wanna go to Pier 39, momma!" Booker admits. "No, no, no. You're going to Pier 39." Raven disagrees; "-AndYou're gonna love it!".

That's when the slight argument started; "I wanna go to that concert!".

Raven pulls the lever back, causing the car to move once again; "-You can go to a concert anywhere.".

"I need you to see what's great about San Francisco!" Raven stated. "Maybe you could talk without touching the lever?" Kit suggested. "You're going to stay with me." Raven says to booker. "I'm going!" Booker protested as he pulled the lever forward again, stopping the car.

"You're staying!" Back, "I'm going.", Forward.

"-You are staying!" Raven snatched the lever off its attachment.

"Oh, snap!" Raven called out.

"This is why you don't touch the lever!" Kit huffs. The cable car tilted forward as it was on the edge of a hill. In a fast speed, the car goes down the hill with the three passengers. "Look what you did!" Booker hissed at his mother as he held onto the bar for dear life.

"Me? You pushed it!" Raven spats. "You pulled it!" Booker argued. "Neither of you were supposed to touch it!" Kit butted in. After a while of screaming the car came to a complete stop.

Booker stops his whimpering as he opens his eyes and asks; "We stopped?".

"It's a miracle!" Raven chuckles. "Actually, it was the emergency brake!" Kit announced; "Yeah, I looked it up on my phone.". "You okay?" Raven worried about her son. "Yeah, you?" Booker asks.

"Well, you know, I may need to change my pants again..." Raven admits.

"Booker, this is crazy!" She added; "I can't make you be somewhere you don't wanna be.".

"I know, Mom. But it's just all day you kept talking about how much fun you and your friends had," Booker sighed. "and well, all my friends are at that concert!". "I get it. If you wanna g-" Without hesitation, Booker ran as fast as he could to get the concert to see the girl of his dreams; "-o, just go. But, Booker. Booker?!".

"Ooh, gone.." Kit smacks his lips.

Raven looks at him; "Left as soon as you said the word "go.", and I don't think he even heard the "o.".

Raven sighed as she looks out at the distance where her son ran off.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞; 𝑩.𝒃𝒂𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓-𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 Where stories live. Discover now