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Taehyung had just come downstairs seeing how packed it was in the bar. He ran around helping Jackson splitting up fights and controlling drug usage.
His eyes had lingered around the room ever so often just to see where everyone was at, and well of course his boyfriend.

Taehyung had just finished splitting up a fight, kicking the man out of the bar, before going back into the building. Taehyung started walking in, before he got an alert into his ear. The sound which can only be made by one button. The staff emergency button. Taehyung rushed to get towards the bar as fast as he could. It was never easy running through a wave of people.

"Hey are you all okay? What's happening?" Taehyung asked with a sharp face needing to know the emergency.
"We aren't sure, none of us did the alarm, we all split up to do different jobs so none was close enough to the bar to see who it was" Chae nervously mentioned.

"We sent Kook to go get some glasses as we were running out, he hasn't come back. There's so many people in the middle I can't see where he is. He's the only one who hasn't given the all clear" Chan said growing worried for the boy.

People might think he's overreacting, but this job is more dangerous than you think. You never know what kind of people are walking into the bar especially when they are intoxicated with alcohol. So when the emergency button is pushed it should never be taken lightly.

"Look he's up there" Kihyun pointed to the stairs.
Everyone turned their heads in that direction and saw Jungkook sprinting up the stairs, trying to dodge people as he ran up them. They also then saw someone chasing and yelling after him.

"Fuck...right I'll go after them. Be on stand by if I need any of you and call the police" Taehyung demanded, before sprinting through the crowd and up the stairs.

He watched as Jungkook stumbled into his office, which made his adrenaline rush. He needed to to reach Jungkook quickly. He accidentally bumped into a few people on the way, but he didn't care.

He ran into his office to see Jungkook being pinned up to the wall buy another male.
"Get your fucking hands off of him now"
Taehyung rushed up to them, seeing red, and grabbed hold of the man's shirt in fists. He swung a punch to the man's face making him let go of Jungkook and cup his nose instead.

"What the fuck man" Mingyu yelled, throwing a punch at Taehyung's eye.
It hurt like a bitch, but Taehyung couldn't care less.
"You fucker" Taehyung punched him again making Mingyu stumble backwards.
He was about to go for another punch but he was soon stopped by Jungkook taking his hand.

"Don't, please, you can't get yourself in to trouble" Jungkook sniffed, holding his hand tightly.
"Koo" Taehyung whispered, pulling away from Mingyu, dropping him to the floor.
He went straight to Jungkook and took him into his arms.

Jungkook released a heavy breath and clung onto the man, placing his head into the boys chest.
"You're safe, you're safe" Taehyung hushed the younger's quiet sobs, kissing his forehead.
Jungkook calmed his breathing but didn't even think about letting go of Taehyung. His face came out of Taehyung's chest and to his shoulder.

His eyes briefly lingered behind Taehyung's back, and before he could even process what was happening Mingyu swung some kind of alcohol bottle to Taehyung's head at full aggression making it hit the back of his head.

"TAEHYUNG" Jungkook screamed, as Mingyu swung his arm.
It all happened too fast, and before they knew it Taehyung had been knocked out unconscious. His head and neck pouring of blood while pieces of glass was stuck in his head.


Mingyu tried punching the police officer to get away from their grasps but they were quicker than him. They pushed him to the wall and took his wrists into cuffs.

"You are under arrest for suspected murder and assaulting an officer. You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

Jungkook was in a total state of shock. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to wake his boyfriend up while being laid out on the floor with Taehyung's body in his lap.
"Help. Someone help" Jungkook cried louder, making another police officer to rush over to him.
"We are going to need a paramedic at the Crescent bar. A young male, unconscious with an open wound to the head"

"He's going to be okay kid, don't stress, an ambulance will be here soon"
Jungkook held onto Taehyung for dear life. The tears wouldn't stop. Watching Mingyu get taken out of Taehyung's office in handcuffs was such a strange feeling. All this time he had been running and well finally this might just be the end. He can settle, rather than run. Just once that's all he wants.

But how can he feel relief when the one he wants to settle with, is laying in his arms injured and unconscious by his ex. He hated how a simple life could become so complicated.

"The paramedics are here" someone yelled in the background.
Jungkook could only hear the feet running into the room and towards the couple.
"Sir you need to let go so we can take him to the hospital"
"I can't" Jungkook held onto him tighter.
"Sir you need to let go...please"

Jungkook's grip weakened, allowing time for them to take him out of his grip. Jungkook sobbed into his bare arms.
"You can come with us if you'd like?" She asked.
"Someone has to lock up" Jungkook muttered.
"Okay let's go, sir we will be in touch about a statement. I suggest you to close the bar for a few days" the officer says before walking out after the paramedics.

Jungkook was left alone in the room with one other officer who was taking photos of the broken bottle and other things.
Jungkook composed himself and walked out. He looked around and hit the fire alarm making everyone leave the building. Instead of waiting, all the clubbers went away, so all that was left was just the staff.

Jungkook came downstairs and told them all to sign out and go home.
"You'll have the next few days off until further notice. Don't come into work until told so. Good job for tonight, have a nice break" Jungkook said with no sort of emotion in his voice.
"I-is everything okay Kook?" Chae asked.
"It's all fine, go home"

Jungkook shut the door and locked it. Everyone was gone, all the police, public and staff. Jungkook sank down the door and hit the floor. He burst into tears once again, feeling his chest tighten. Anger swelled in his heart. He couldn't believe it. Mingyu has ruined his life. His loved ones. He hates it.

"Tae" Jungkook cried.

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