Meeting with the king

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((My art at top. Don't judge please. I did this at 3 in the morning with no sleep for two nights.. 😭))

Y/n's p.o.v

Before I knew it thirty minutes went by and then an hour; without a care in the world Alastor and I were on the phone for almost three hours. We didn't talk much about anything to interesting but he listened while I shared about my fall and my life while I was alive. My dislikes and the things I enjoy. Not once did he interrupt me or act as if he weren't interested which had me in a state of ease.

"Thank you Alastor..I know this is only part of the deal but I just wanted to say anyways how grateful I am that you decided to stay on the phone with me." He wasn't aware but I had a very genuine smile widening at the corners of my lips.

"Of course darling. I hope our conversation allows you to now rest easy."

I giggled and felt a light blush dust my cheeks. "Oh most definitely. Sleep will treat me quite nicely now." I mentally smacked myself for acting so smitten with the radio demon suddenly and rolled my eyes far enough in the back of my head to "glare daggers" at my thoughts.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I suppose I should get some rest here then. Thank you for your time Alastor. I bid you adieu and sleep well."

"Thank you my dear. You as well. Farewell for now." With that last comment a click was heard and a peaceful silence caved in the room. I placed my phone down beside me on the bed a soft smile dancing along my lips. I snuggled underneath my blanket and pulled a pillow up to my chest cuddling it tightly. For once in a really long time it feels, I don't have any need to be stressed. Even if his actions have to do with the deal being made; I don't think he's actually half bad.

Alastor's p.o.v

I hung up the phone quickly, my feet propped up on my desk and a mug of now cold coffee in my one hand. I spun around in my chair and hopped up stretching my long stiff legs pulling a satisfied grunt from my mouth.

That was most definitely the longest phone conversation I've ever had. Especially with a woman. I shook my head and let out a tired sigh finishing my coffee, cringing at the cold flavor.

"Your curiosity of the girl is really beginning to show." My shadow instead of physically manifesting, spoke loudly in my mind.

"Of course I'm curious you nitwit. We've had this conversation multiple times."

"Yes, but you just had a conversation with her for three whole hours. Not once did you decide it would be a splendid idea to cut her short out of disinterest." My shadow responded annoyed. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my forehead, a headache forming from the voice of the nuisance in my mind.

"It's part of the deal you fool. Stop looking farther into things that do not acquire your opinion."

My shadow scoffed. "I am you by the way. I can tell she reminds you of-"

"Shut your mouth!" I hissed. My shadow cackled and quieted down leaving me to settle back into silence. I walked on over to my bedroom door opening it quietly and shuffling down the hall. It seems a restless night has taken over once again. I decided to take the time to do some hunting and hummed a quiet tune as I slipped out the front door. Today would be the day that I begin to set my plans in place and y/n was going to be perfect. I placed my arms behind my back and chuckled darkly.

"You truly have no idea what you've gotten yourself into dear."

??? P.o.v


Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now