"Hey, (Y/N)?"

Not looking directly towards the voice, you responded in a hum, already knowing who was up during this hour.

"I'm cold." Leo's voice was whiny, like a small child complaining of a common cold.

You sighed, standing up and turning the heater on again. "This okay?"

Leo frowned. "That's not gonna be enough! I need to swim in a burning pool of lava!"

You groaned, already having enough of his behavior. "What do I do then?"

"I dunno, your the human who's warm blooded and can actually survive in this weather." He slightly raised his whisper.

"Well then, what I am I suppose to do? Cuddle you like frickin' baby?" You stomped your foot.


"Say what now?"

"Cuddle me." Leonardo wasn't even asking, he was demanding.

You laughed nervously, thinking that the joke had gone too far. "All right Leo, stop playing. Go back to sleep."

"You think I'm lying (Y/N)? You heard me. Cuddle. Me." He demanded once more. "Please?" Leo fakes a sniffle.

You knew how cold your crush was but to get to the point where he wants to cuddle with you is enough to think that he's delusional. You inhaled sharply, and exhaled with your mouth slightly quivering.


Leo claps his hands together, happy knowing that he had just convinced you.

You made your way to an empty spot next to him and wrapped your arms around his cold body. He snuggled in closer, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. His cold snout was touching your neck, sending you shivers at the touch.

"Happy, Nardo?" You felt embarrassed at the current situation you two were in.

"With you, always." Leo closed his eyes, letting himself rest in your warm arms.

"This stays between us, got it?" You placed your chin on his head.

"Yeah, yeah, you got it." You could Leo's voice slightly fading away as he was falling asleep.

As soon as you heard soft snores, you looked down at how peaceful looking he was asleep.

You kissed the top of his head. Sweet Dreams, Leo.


It had been a few days after and you haven't been able to return to the lair for two reasons; school was seriously kicking your butt and you couldn't possibly face Leo again after what had happened.

You were sure he had gotten delusional from the cold to be giving embarrassing requests. It felt like he wasn't himself.

The weather hasn't gotten any better either. It was now pouring rain as you sat in your last class of the day. Luckily, April was in the same class and you were able to finish the school day smoothly. As the two of you walked out of the building, April suggested that you'd go to a local cafe with her. You had agreed and made your way through the slippery streets of New York City.

It was relaxing to just hang out with a friend and not worry about anything else. At least, that's what you thought until April started saying, "Have you checked in on the guys recently?"

You nearly choked on your drink. "Oh uh, I visited them a few days ago and spent the night. Why?"

April sighs heavily. "I'm just worried is all. This weather has been too cruel. Donnie's been texting me nonstop but I hadn't had a chance to see them until yesterday. And boy it was ugly."

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