Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

    On the reclining chair, under the stars, Li Ran and Sheng Linshang hugged and kissed for a long time. Before the kiss was about to deteriorate, Li Ran pushed Sheng Linshang's shoulder.

    Sheng Linxian pushed away and kissed Li Ran's pretty nose, and then got up contentedly.

    The two went to the next changing room to change into their swimming trunks.

    Li Ran can swim, but until now, the time to enter the water is limited.

    He walked over to the escalator, intending to take the escalator into the water.

    Sheng Linyang stood on the bank of the swimming pool and did not follow Li Ran.

    In the entire huge sky swimming pool, at this moment, only Li Ran and Sheng Linshang were alone.

    There was a small sign 'under maintenance' hanging outside the swimming pool door. The other guests did not know that the swimming pool was not out of order, just because Sheng Linxian wanted to be alone with his little lover.

    Sheng Linyang was reluctant to let anyone unrelated to see the body of his lover.

    Li Ran walked into the pool, and just halfway there, there was a loud bang, and the man who was at the edge of the pool jumped into the water.

    The splashed white water splashed on Li Ran's face. Li Ran squinted at the man who was in the water, and raised his hand to wipe the water stains on his face.

    I laughed in my heart and said 'naive', and followed Li Ran into the water quickly.

    The water was a little cold, and Li Ran shuddered when he was half-down.

    The area he was in belonged to the shallow water area, and when Li Ran stood up straight, the water only reached his chest.

    After walking a little distance in the middle, Li Ran took a deep breath and dived into the water as he waited for his body to slowly adjust to the underwater temperature.

    Li Ran's lung capacity is larger than that of ordinary people, and he can swim more than ten meters without changing one breath.

    The pool water is clear, and the surrounding warm light shines down, sparkling and rippling.

    Sheng Linxian leaned on the edge of the pool, staring intently at the beautiful figure of his lover swimming underwater.

    Obviously, Li Ran's swimming skills are good. In the breaststroke underwater, stretching out and kicking legs, in Sheng Linshang's eyes, the little lover does not seem to have any shortcomings.

    So perfect that one can't take one's eyes off him.

    The underwater vision was limited and hazy, but Li Ran probably knew where Sheng Linshang was.

    Swipe his limbs and swim towards Sheng Linyang.

    In the middle, Li Ran surfaced and took a few breaths before diving back into the water.

    Because he was holding his breath in the water and did not float to the surface, when Li Ran swam to Sheng Linxian, the first thing that caught his eye was the part of the man immersed in the water.

    And it was the pride of the man who caught Li Ran's eyes for a moment.

    Li Ran knew how powerful his man was, he had experienced it firsthand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of Li Ran's mouth rose.

(BL)(MTL)Dressed as ex-boyfriend's dad's lover Where stories live. Discover now