Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

    Li Ran did not recognize the excited fan as one of the suspects who kidnapped him a few days ago.

    Tall fake fans are not only highly skilled in photography, but also very skilled in disguising their personal appearance.

    It was the short accomplice. Although the two shot multiple videos together, the short man had never seen the tall man's true face.

    Now the tall man has found his unique Venus, and he specially chased him all the way to Tongcheng for his Velas.

    After spending some money to investigate Li Ran's situation, I know that Li Ran is definitely a person in the entertainment industry.

    With Li Ran's level of beauty, it seems to be too low-key in the entertainment industry.

    As a result, the tall man failed to recognize Li Ranlai immediately.

    But now he knows Li Ran's identity. The star status is very good. As long as the money is in place, he believes that he will soon be able to meet his Venus again.

    even up close.

    Gao graduated from photography major, and some short videos he shot have won some awards.

    He has two accounts on the Internet. One of these two accounts deliberately sells the role of a kind and pure white photographer, and the other one is a role of various secret photography and secret crime videos.

    The tall man has two mobile phones, both of which are on his body.

    After parting with Li Ran, he turned to leave, got into his car, and took out one of the mobile phones.

    There is a video in this phone. There are two people in the video. The tall one used editing software to remove the other redundant person, leaving only his Venus.

    These days, tall people are flipping through videos day and night.

    He caressed the perfect face of Venus in the video with the utmost tenderness, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

    When the video reaches a frame, press the upper one to pause.

    Venus was smiling at him, his Venus was smiling at him.

    The clothes on Venus are superfluous, and Venus's body is perfect enough to not need to wear these cheap things.

    Waiting for him, the tall man said something in his mouth, be sure to wait for him, remember to protect this face.

    The meeting lasted for more than three hours. The magazine team gave Li Ran a few upcoming magazines when he left.

    On the cover is a full body photo of Li Ran, a full body photo of him and the foreign female model hugging each other.

    Looking down at the cover, Li Ran only felt that the photographer was too good at finding angles, so it seemed that he was really in close physical contact with the female model.

    Li Ran remembered many details of that day clearly.

    The old man knew that he was going to take pictures with a female model, so he was jealous, and directly told Cui Rong and the shooting team to say that female models were forbidden to have too intimate poses with him.

    Including the original plan of sitting on the lap, it was temporarily changed to sitting together with the female model snuggling on his shoulder.

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