Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

    In order to prevent his father from giving orders that he must stay - Sheng Linxian's words, for Sheng Yuan, are often orders.

    Sheng Yuan stood up abruptly, turned around and left on the grounds that he still had something to do.

    There were two lines of sight behind him, among which his father's was heavy and cold.

    Restraining the urge to stop or even turn around, Sheng Yuan walked to the door, opened it and stepped out.

    There were a few people standing outside the door, the lobby manager and two employees. Sheng Yuan walked in within a few minutes, turned his head and walked out again. His face was more gloomy than when he entered, and the coldness could almost sink into the water.

    The manager then guessed that something must have happened. As soon as Sheng Yuan came out, he immediately greeted the staff to make way for Sheng Yuan.

    Sheng Yuan didn't give any alms to unimportant people. When he came out of the restaurant, his car was parked at the door. After getting in the car, Sheng Yuan put in the car key, and when he started the engine, it accumulated in his body. The anger was finally uncontrollable.

    With a muffled bang, Sheng Yuan slammed his fists on the steering wheel, and a strong hatred burst out in his eyes.

    However, he knew very well that there was no room for turning around. His father was completely infatuated with Li Ran, even though Li Ran had slept in his bed.

    Sheng Yuan clenched the leather on the steering wheel tightly, whether his life was too smooth, God couldn't see it, and he was going to test him with such a thing.

    The only feasible way, Sheng Yuan thinks, probably ruined Li Ran's beautiful and seductive face, and his father's interest in him should be gone.

    Sheng Yuan's lip curled and his smile gradually went crazy, but he couldn't afford it, because he cared about too many things, and Sheng Yuan had to think twice before doing something.

    The car drove on the road and came to an intersection. There was a red light ahead. Sheng Yuan called Zhang Huaibin.

    Recently, Zhang Huaibin suffered an unprecedented blow because of him.

    The other party did all this for him, and the source of this love is firmly in his heart.

    Zhang Huaibin was in his own home, living in a daze, and when he received a call from Sheng Yuan, his voice seemed weak.

    It's like giving up when you follow.

    The car drove to Zhang Huaibin's house, and Sheng Yuan pressed the combination lock.

    The room had not been ventilated for a long time, and there was an unpleasant smell.

    After entering the house, Sheng Yuan opened the living room window to let in the convective wind.

    Zhang Huaibin used to drink heavily and was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage. After that, he almost stopped drinking.

    But although he stopped drinking, he stayed at home 24 hours a day instead of going out.

    Sleeping during the day, waking up at night, day and night reversed.

    Sheng Yuan walked to the sofa and took off the pillow on it. Zhang Huaibin stared at the phone in his hand intently, and threw himself into the game.

(BL)(MTL)Dressed as ex-boyfriend's dad's lover Where stories live. Discover now