Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    From the man's strong kiss, Li Ran seemed to feel the man's emotional ups and downs.

    Although he didn't know the specific reason, Li Ran hugged the man's back tightly and used silent actions to comfort him.

    After a kiss, the person in his arms was contaminated with his breath, which relieved Sheng Linxuan emotionally.

    He just walked to the balcony and looked at Li Ran, who was shrouded in bright sunshine, his little lover was dyed with halos all over his body.

    For a moment, he didn't know if it was Sheng Linxian's illusion, but he thought that Li Ran would suddenly disappear from his eyes in the next moment.

    With this thought, Sheng Linyang's heart jumped.

    Only when you hug the person tightly, feel the other person's warm body, and feel the other person's warm body temperature, the strange feeling is relieved.

    But Sheng Linyang still had a sense of uncertainty in his heart.

    Even if he owns Li Ran, even if he is lingering with him, the person in front of him, the heart in his body, seems to be out of his reach.

    Li Ran's heart!

    Sheng Linxuan's eyes suddenly darkened, and he suddenly realized something.

    It turned out that he not only wanted to completely own Li Ran's body.

    He also wanted the heart in the boy's chest.

    Sheng Linyang remembered that Li Ran once said that he liked him, he loved him, and was with his son Sheng Yuan, but only regarded Sheng Yuan as his stand-in.

    Sheng Linxian didn't believe that explanation.

    At that time, he felt that Li Ran could act well, and he would not expose him.

    It doesn't matter if you pretend to like or obey.

    Suddenly Sheng Linyang felt that it was not enough.

    He wants Li Ran's body, but also Li Ran's heart.

    The old man's eyes were heavy, but he didn't speak, that oppressive force was very powerful.

    The other party's sight was like a silk screen, covering Li Ran's body.

    It made Li Ran feel as if he couldn't move his eyes.

    Sheng Linxuan didn't seem to be in this state when it was clear that the previous meeting was separated.

    Could it be that Sheng Linshang knew about him and Ethan, and Cui Rong also told Sheng Linshang about taking pictures with a few girls later.

    So the man's mood is suddenly strange, is it because of jealousy?

    Then this flying vinegar is too unnecessary to eat.

    Li Ran followed the man's movement to get up and sat up from the reclining chair. He raised his head slightly and looked up.

    This one-up-down gesture, the person in the lower position, shows a kind of submission.

    "What, is there something wrong?" Li Ran asked with a light smile.

    Sheng Linyang's eyes flickered slightly, and he stared at Li Ranci's white face.

(BL)(MTL)Dressed as ex-boyfriend's dad's lover Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon