Chapter 9: Nimble Fingers

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I've done all the researching! I've filled out an application, and got the job!

You kept going to classes, where you figured out the name of Spirit's partner, and you hung out with your new friends - the regular things. Though, whenever you had spare time, you'd look through Death City's newspaper for job openings.

The job that you were really determined to get was a job at a music store. They sold instruments, records, albums, and many more. You wanted to get this job because you've never heard so many different styles of music, and you wanted to hear and learn about them all.

You got to wear your own clothes, the pay was huge, and it was like a car dealership - you had to interact with the customers to sell things, so you could work on your social skills.

"Alright, you'll mainly be working on restocking the shelves, but if a customer comes up to you, don't be hesitant to help 'em, okay?" Your boss, Shawn, instructed you in his gruff voice.

"Y-Yeah, got it." You had a determined look in your eyes. Time to roll up my sleeves, and get to work!


All you really did was restock the shelves, and listen to different genres of music. Surprisingly, you liked them all.. Er, well, some more than others.

You were admiring the pianos when a familiar voice came from behind you. "Do you like the piano?"

You smiled as you saw Soul. "Yeah. I've been listening to some songs featuring the piano, and I really want to learn to play."

"It's really easy to play." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to the Baby Grand Piano in the store. He lifted the cover, revealing the keys. Soul took one of your hands in his, and with your fingers, pressed certain keys on the piano, slowly. When he finished playing it slowly, he made your hand play it faster, and it sounded amazing.

"I'll only teach you the basics. I don't play much anymore."

You tackled him into a hug. "Thank you!"

He was didn't respond to it at first, but later hugged you back. "Yeah, no problem."

When he let go, he looked like he remembered something, then spoke, "I forgot to tell you, but the rest of the gang and I are going on another group mission. You in?"

"Sounds like fun!"

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