Brady walked over to the shelves and glanced over the different pieces of clothing. From shorts to pants to skirts and to dress like skirts. He honestly wanted the best outfit for her birthday but when it came to fashion he wasn't the greatest.

But luckily for him he had her Pinterest on his phone so he was easily able to get some inspiration for the outfit. And the weather is supposed to be sunny, nice timing, so he is could pick a good outfit.

First he picked a shirt, spending a good three minutes trying to find the best one which so happened to be a crop top/tank top with lace. Then grey/blue washed out jeans with red and white accents for the stitchings. Her over used black converse (he was gonna get her new ones), and ankle high socks. Soon he moved on to accessories and Brady had no idea how this girl was able to get past security with all these metal objects that were laid out in a jewelry box. Plus a heart chained belt that he found mixed in with some other belts she had stored away.

Brady did believe he did a good job picking her outfit, and he didn't bother him that it was her vibe since she already tends to dress in different aesthetics.

He quickly left the outfit on the small table by the bed before carefully walking backwards to the door, not to wake her peaceful sleeping. The kitten had already fallen asleep as well, curling up between the girls face and her bent arm that almost acted like a wall to cover her face from the sun that didn't show.

So he patiently waited in the living room where he had a nice gift wrapped up in sage green pager foil. Mariana's name written in perfect cursive on top, obviously had his mom write it because this man does not have the neatest writing.

Brady really did want to make this one of the best birthdays she's ever had.

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          NOT LONG AFTER MARIANA HAD WOKEN UP FROM HER SLEEP. The first thing that caught her eye was the clothes sitting near her, a small hand written letter on top.

'Good morning Mariana, happy birthday!!

This is the outfit I chose for you, hopefully you like it. Of course I only chose outerwear (I am very respectful person). So once your dress come to the living where we'll be waiting for you. '

Holding the small note a smile spreads over her face, the had yet to even notice the small kitten sleeping peacefully in her arms. In full honestly it was the best way she's woken up so far.

Doing as the note told she disregarded her the blankets that covered her legs and quickly made her way to grab the clothes he left for her. Brady did really good with choosing her outfit, Mariana would give it a ten out of ten.

It didn't take long for her to change, the only thing left was her makeup. Which only consisted of eyeliner and a slight Smokey eye, dots of concealer then a small layer of foundation on top and brown lip liner to a small gloss to go over. Mariana was never one for wearing a full face of makeup unless she truly required it, like for picture day or fancy event.

Suddenly she heard her phone go off, a bell like tone that was set as her rigger. On the screen it displayed her mothers contact. With an instant tap the woman face popped up on the screen. She could see the sunlight in the background which helped distinguish her moms facial features.

"Hello sweetie! Happy birthday you officially sixteen", her mom exclaimed. Her happiness evident in her tone, her smile big enough to show the very few wrinkles on her face.

"Hi mom! I know I'm sixteen, does that mean I can learn how to drive now?".

Growing up her mother always said that she would be allowed to learn how to drive at sixteen. Only because that was on of the required ages to be able to get your license.

"Yes, but wait until you get back to Paris, you know how much your dads wants to teach you!"

"I know mom. How are things over there, I mean I've only been gone for about two days but it feels like forever!"

"Well for starters you dad cried the first day. Said it's because his Netflix watching buddy was gone and how you can't be replaced. Then he ate all the ice cream while crying", she rolled her eyes. Sometimes she can't believe she married a man who was like a child, or in other words a golden retriever.

"He's at work right now but he said he'll call you once work lets out. I just got out of work but I need to go do paper work."

Mariana nodded. She had memorized both of their schedules by now so she knew when they were both busy.

"That's okay, I'll call you later when your free. Love you mom."

"I love you too Mari. Don't forget to tell them I said hi. Bye now".

"I won't, bye mom!"

Mariana hung up the call, letting out a small breath of air. She had really needed that call, hearing their voices felt relaxing.

Today is going to be the best day ever.

     ... apolloswan

hellooooo!!! finally updated, and it's freezing so my figures hurt. i might not be updating as weekly for the next month and a half since i am nearing finals and we are getting projects left and right. and one of them is story writing so i need to focus on that the most. pushing that aside i hope you liked the chapter. remember to eat, drink water, and get rest! love you all

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⸻·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍶🍓꒱APOLLOSWAN

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MISS AMERICAN PIE; Brady HepnerWhere stories live. Discover now