Fire in the soul

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Suki and Aang served themselves as Katara was on the side studying some scroll with her own bowl of rice. Aang was talking to the flying bison about the time they missed as Suki was beyond confused by the avatars strange habits already.

Katara had her hand under her jaw to support her head while she looked at the map of the world, but it was detailed of the fire nation. She needed to figure out where to go after she's United with the water tribes. Zuko mentioned just to stay safe and away from the fire nation as in she would be trialed for treason due to her husbands actions.

She looked at where supposedly Zuko was seen last but it didn't make sense why he wouldn't make it to the air temple and to go the earth kingdom? He was heading East? He said to meet at the air temple to specifically get appa as a traveling companion, apparently the beast can fly?

So why would he go to the earth kingdom?

Katara was deep in thought trying to figure out this puzzle of a plan.

"Katara?" Suki walked over curiously to see what she was reading.

"Yea? Everything okay?" Katara snapped out of it and turned to her.

"I was going to ask you the same thing, you've been spaced out all day," Suki sat next to her and looked at the map.

"A lots happened in so little time, plus I thought this would be happening in a couple weeks so it been a ride," she sighed sarcastically but smiled back a little at her new friend.

"You and I both have been in that boat, I didn't think this is where I'd be at this point ever, who would've thought I'd be this involved in the war," Suki teased back and they both giggled.

"I'm just trying to plan out what to do after we meet with my tribe," Katara explained seeing sukis eyes travel back to the map.

"When you and Aang were in the town what all did the wanted poster say?" She asked turning back to the map herself now.

"Last seen at the capital heading west or something, a guy name zhao is sending soldiers every which way to find him, dead or alive," Suki pursed her lips keeping her eyes down.

Katara frowned. West. West? She thought Suki and Aang said East?

"Which colonies did you say he was going towards?" Katara asked pointing at the fire nation.

"The eastern colonies is closest to the earth kingdom," Suki moved her hand to the other side of the fire nation. East.

"You said west," Katara corrected.

"I said East, boarder of the earth kingdom and fire nation," the red head laughed it off a little as Katara looked at the East.

"Right, the southern water tribes coming from the south in the west," Katara pointed where the open ocean was vs where the bays in the east would be.

"So what's after that?" Suki asked softly.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, but I have one mission for this plan," Katara shook her head running a hand through her hair.

"What is it?" Suki didn't understand.

"I'm taking the country I married into from my father in law," she stood up taking the map with.

"She's onto us," Suki hissed to Aang as Katara went to get more water.

"There's something of us to get onto?" Aang asked raising a brow.

"Lying about where Zuko is," she groaned covering her face.

"How come?" He was still lost.

"I slipped up, I said west instead of east," Suki mumbled behind her hands and Aang slapped his forehead.

"We can't go all the way west at azulon bay, plus I'm sure soldiers are all scattered around by now, they're looking for Zuko and I'm sure Katara is on the list," she tsked looking at Aang worried.

"We need the water tribe first, once we get there we can plan an attack on the fire nation," Aang nodded agreeing.

"Make it to the morning, we fly to the southern bay," Suki crossed her arms pursing her lips.

"And Zuko? We have to find him eventually," Aang urged more on to find his best friend.

"He has this whole thing planned ahead for any scenario it seem, he fit me in there some how, zuko can take care of himself," Suki nodded looking over to see if Katara returned.

"Even if he is captured, it's one person, he wanted to make sure you got free, and Katara was out of the fire nation, he was willing to risk his life," she continued more as Aang was stressfully pacing.

"He wants her to take the nation back, she's their future leader," Aang motioned to the side and his hand hit his side.

"Let's just get our sleeping bags out and get a fire started," Suki sighed stressfully.

They changed the topic as the two joined appa again but Katara stayed hidden behind the corner opposite where they walked away from.

She knew it. They lied. Something wasn't right.

Katara clutched her bag to her chest as her heart raced. Azulon bay, Zuko was seen by the gates of azulon last, it would make more sense than East, azulon bay was closer to the palace.

Zuko gave Sokka and Yue the plan, as well as her father. He planned ahead and they had an idea what to do.

If she was going to be the next leader of the fire nation, she needed to act like she had strength, passion, rage, fire in her soul, it fueled her vengeance.

She wanted fire lord Ozai dead and this war over.

She was going to find her husband.

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