~Messages end~

30 minutes go by & they finally leave & it was getting dark, at that exact same time Ariana pulled up walking out of Victoria's car.

Faith's thoughts: "This is what happened when you dated your celebrity best friend."

I walk in before she does & hide the bag in the studio room & sit down on the couch hungry, tired, & pissed.

Ariana opens the door & walks in very sorry about what happened today.

Faith: "I understand that this was going to happen, but if I was a guy they wouldn't care so much if I was dating you."

It was true don't get me wrong, there are struggles to coming out gay. They weren't just asking, they were invading my personal space.

Faith: "What did piss me off was the fucking questions that asked me, Ariana this, money that, like I was dating you for the attention, at one point I really wanted to punch one them in the fucking face!!"

I really wanted to but that never happened, but I thought & wish it should've happened.

Ariana: "Fae that's their job no matter how much we hate it…I've gotten multiple phone calls for interviews, my personal life is non existence at this point."

Faith's thoughts: "I just don't like what they're saying about me." I sigh.

Faith: "I get that, I just…it frustrates me that people think of me that way."

Ariana: "Not everyone, my fans really love you & adore you, look."

She showed me the post from Instagram two days ago & she was right, the comments were positive from the celebrity to her fans.

Faith's thoughts: "That's really great, really."

It wasn't about being expected by everyone, I don't care if they approve or not. What did bother me again were the assumptions about me.

Ariana: "Fae baby where are you going."

Faith: "To blow off some steam."  I head upstairs.

I go into the bedroom & look from my gym clothes.

Ariana: "You're not thinking about going to the gym?"

Faith: "Tell me a better way to blow off steam."

(Ariana pov)

Ariana: "You just got home & I just got home, I'd like to spend time with my girlfriend."

Faith: "So I can't go to the gym."

Ariana: "I'm not saying you don't have to, but I've been really busy & I just would love to relax & spend my time with you."

Faith: "You've gone 4 years without me, you can go one single night without me, I was able to do it just fine." It was the way she said it.

I couldn't believe she said that, that hurt deep. I was just wanted to spend time with her I guess I fucking can't.

Ariana: "Fine, go to the gym, I'll fuck off!!" I wanted to cry.

I slam the door & lock myself in the studio room balling my eyes out.

Faith: "I didn't mean to say it like that Bebe, I'm sorry open the door."

Ariana: "Go away!! Go to your stupid gym."

Faith: "Moonlight!! Ariana open up please I'm sorry." Ignored her.

I curl up into my knees laying against the couch, crying into my knees. It hurt more than it should've, coming from her like me coming back didn't mean shit.

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