The reason is because that smile is the same smile that made her continue with the worst mistake that she could ever do that will cost her greatly. Fortunately or unfortunately, it will be the last time that she ever sees that smile.


When Ravel was transported, she appeared outside of her family's mansion, something that confused her.

Ravel: 'Weird, I thought I would appear in my room.' - making a communication circle to let her mother know she was here - Okaa-sama, I've arrived.

Diana: Oh, Ravel, you arrived? No maid informed me of your arrival.

Ravel: That is because I appeared outside of the mansion.

Diana: I see - there was a pause before she responded again - I'll let security know that you're free to enter, if they haven't.

Ravel: Thank you - cutting off the call.

She waited a couple of minutes, until the gates opened for her as she walked in, she felt a little unsettled by the looks that the guards were giving her.

Ravel: 'Did something happen? Why are they looking at me like that, they seem sad or rather disappointed, did I do something wrong? They know something.'

She continued walking as she entered the mansion, she was shocked to see that there were not that many servants around. But whenever she did, she received looks of sadness, disappointment, and even contempt from a few of the maids. When she asked where her mother was, they would curtly reply "Family room" and nothing else, just those two words, it seemed a bit robotic from how they answered.

She made her way to the family room, where she saw her mother, her brother, Riser, and surprisingly, Sona and her queen and pawn, Tsubaki and Ruruko. Riser's queen, Yubelluna, sat in his lap, while the rest of them were talking amongst themselves, when they saw her, their looks changed. Ni and Li, the cat twins gave her sad smiles as they waved at her, Ile and Nel just looked at her with sad expressions as if they were going to cry. The maid pawns, Marion and Bülent, each gave a snort and just shook their heads. The last two pawns, Shuriya and Mira, gave her a glance and then looked away.

Her former fellow bishop, Mihae, had tears down her eyes, before she looked away from Ravel's gaze. The knight, Karlamine, just looked down in sadness, as the other knight, Siris, gave her glare, but she had a tear roll down her eye. The rooks, Isabela and Xuelan, just looked neutral, they let out a sigh and just looked away.

Ravel: 'Something must have happened.'

Diana: Ah, Ravel, you're here - as she finished taking a sip from her tea - Riser, bring her.

Riser moved Yubelluna from his lap as the queen looked at Ravel in sadness as her king stood up and walked to her. When Riser stood in front of her, he looked sad and disappointed, he placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a quick hug, before he let go.

Ravel: Onii-sama? - a bit surprised and confused by his actions.

Riser: Come - his tone sounded almost emotionless as he placed his hand on her back and guided her to the chair next to her mother.

Diana: Sit down, Ravel.

Ravel: Hai - as she sat down - how are you, Okaa-sama? Last we talked, you informed me that you were very busy and if I may ask, why is Kaichou-sama here? And where is Otou-sama? - gesturing to Sona, who kept her eyes closed as she drank her tea.

Diana: I'm quite fine, your father is busy with other arrangements with Ruval. The reason why Sona is here is to make a deal regarding the allocation of phoenix tears to the Sitri hospitals on the behalf of Riser, since he is going to be the future head of the clan.

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