The Jade Princess

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(When I'm putting in fight scenes, I move around to how I want it to go, the song part of this included, let me tell you, I had a lot of emotion in it)

I looked around Harumi's room as Lloyd ran out to the balcony. 

"He's got the Princess!" Lloyd shouts.

"I'll get the others; you go after him," he nodded, and I jumped onto the roof, running over to Kai and Nya. "The Princess been kidnapped."

"What?" Kai said.

"Lloyd and I heard a noise and her room was a mess and the balcony door was open. Lloyd seen the kidnapper and went after him."

"Let's alert everyone and get a search going," Nya said. We went around alerting the others and Hutchins, where he announced to the guards.

"The Princess is gone! Find her!" Hutchins says.

"Let's stay here and protect the emperor and empress. Lloyd went after the kidnapper, and now we have the guards searching, let's make sure no one else gets taken tonight," I said. "Zane on the roof, Zane, I want a full scan of the area. Cole and Kai, you go to the nearby entrances to the palace; Jay, I want you by that mask, no one in or out until we know they'll be safe. "Nya, you're with me; we'll be by their bedroom door. Let's get a move on!"

"Ninja, go!" everyone took places as the empress opened the door.

"What has happened to our daughter?" I went into their room with Nya.

"She's been taken, we have Lloyd going after the kidnapper now, and the guards searching. All we can do now is keep an eye on you two and the mask. If I know Lloyd will get her back, I promise he will."

"We trust your word," the emperor said as Nya, and I left the room.

"That's a big promise." 

"Lloyd and I may not be friends anymore, but I know if he likes the princess, he'll do anything to protect her."

"Like you with Lloyd?" I sighed.

"Yes, I've accepted the fact that have a crush on him, but I also must accept the fact we aren't friends anymore."

"Lloyd has the princess long with Hutchins, and apparently she snuck out," Kai said over coms.

"Thank the lord. Alright, let's get better surveillance on the palace now that se's back."

The following day we were all training as Lloyd explained what happened.

"Moonlit walk on the canal, sharing food-Ah! Sounds a lot like a date. Ah!" Cole said.

"It was not a date," Lloyd said.

"A date: a social or romantic engagement. Often involving meal or an intimate setting," Zane said as I started to chuckle.

"Haha! You can't argue with a nindriod," Jay said.

"But if it was a date, probably should have just asked than to sneak out trying not to be seen by the guards or us," I said.

"Look, if you like this girl, you're gonna have to step up your game," Kai said. 

"What do you mean 'game?'" Lloyd asked.

"It means one's ability to charm. You need to convince her why you are the most logical mate," Zane said as I burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, Zane. but maybe you should reword that, because that just sounded bad."

"If you want to impress her, you gotta act tough. Like, flex your muscles and stuff. Break things," Cole then breaks some equipment. "Phew."

"Hey! I was using that!"

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