Attack of the Clones Ch: 6

Start from the beginning

Rune Hakko:
We must get the cores of our ships back into space.

Count Dooku:
I'm going to Coruscant. My Master will not let the Republic get away with this treachery.

Poggle crosses to the holographic schematic and downloads it into a cartridge. He gives it to Count Dooku.

The Jedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon. If they have any idea of what we are planning to create, we are doomed.

Count Dooku:
I will take the designs with me. They will be much safer with my Master.

He examined the planet weapon design before turning it off.

Outside in the battlefield several drop ships were blown out of the sky.

Mace Windu:
Pilot! Land in that assembly area!

Yes, sir.

The Gunship lands, and Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Kit Fisto all exit the ship, and were greeted by the Commander.

Sir, I have five Commando units awaiting your command, Sir.

Mace Windu nodded, and gestures forward, and the Troopers prepare for battle.

The Gunship lifts off with Yoda on board.

To the forward Command Center, take me.

The Clones were then lead by the Jedi into battle. Battle Droids of all kinds were attacking the Clone army. Several Gunships were then seen being lead by the Nautilus wreaking havoc on the battleground. Obi-Wan, Sabé, and Anakin were watching this.

He's thorough, I'll give him that. Attack those Federation starships! Quickly!

He said to the pilot. They shot ordinance at the ship cores, but it did little damage.

Those ships are too big for ordinance.

So what do we do?

As one of the ships was taken off Revan reached out with the Force. In Revan's mind he had a flashback of his training with Yoda.

Size Matters not, my apprentice. Our ally is the Force and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you, reach out, and move the ship you will.

The ship slows its ascent. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Sabé were stunned to see this.

What's happening to the ship?

It's Revan he's pulling it down.

The ship is too big, how is he doing it?

Revan, are you doing that?

Just then the ship crashed into the ground, and Revan released his grip. From a distance Yoda cracked a smile at what his apprentice has done.

Trained him well, I did.

Still amazed by this Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Sabé continues to watch the battlefield from their ship.

On the battleground below, Clone Troopers are riding speeder bikes advancing toward the battlefield. Trade Federation Spider Droids fire at the Clone Troopers and Republic Gunships. Lightsaber-wielding Jedi slash through Battle Droids. The battle rages on.

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