She took her meds and they watched movies til dinner.

"What do you want for dinner babe?" Adam asked

"My throat is starting to hurt do we have soup?" Kim asked

"Let me check" Adam replied

Adam went to the pantry and found chicken noodle soup.

"We have chicken noodle sop babe do you want that?" Adam asked

"Yeah" Kim replied

Adam made them both a bowl of soup and brought it to the couch with some water.

"Drink all of the water and try to eat all of your soup babe," Adam told her

Kim ate her soup and drank her water then they went back to watching movies. Kim ran to the bathroom and threw up 20 minutes later.

"Ssh your ok it's ok just breathe" Adam soothed.

Once she was done adam gave her a cup of water and she rinsed her mouth and took a few sips.

"Are you ok babe?" Adam replied.

"No my throat and body hurt" Kim replied.

"I'm sorry babe I'm going to take your temperature real quick," Adam told her.

He took her temperature and it had gone up to 103.

"Your fever went up to 103 you can take more Tylenol now," Adam told her.

He got the Tylenol and handed one to her. She sat up to take it and winced at the pain in her neck.

"Do you have body aches babe?" Adam asked

"Yeah" Kim replied.

"I think you have the flu babe," Adam told her.

"Uggh" Kim groaned.

"I know I'm sorry I'm going to take care of you," Adam told her.

Adam got her up and helped her to their bed. He got her settled and then turned on the tv. He got in bed beside her and began to rub the back of her neck and her back hoping to soothe some of her pain. She fell asleep 30 minutes later. Once the movie finished Adam turned off the tv and pulled Kim into his chest. She woke up 2 hours later because she was sweating. Adam woke up to the covers being taken off of him.

"Are you ok babe?" Adam asked

"No it's hot in here" Kim replied.

Adam turned on the lamp on his nightstand and looked at Kim. she was pale and sweating.

"I think your fever went up ill be right back I'm gonna go get the thermometer," Adam told her.

He went and got the thermometer and took her temperature. It was 104.

"Your fever is 104 now. We need to get it down. I'll be right back" Adam told her.

Adam went and got ice water, a couple of cold washcloths, a towel, and Tylenol. He went back into their room with the items.

"Sit up and take some Advil we need to get your fever down," Adam told her.

She took the Advil but only took a couple of sips of water.

"Try and drink the whole thing," Adam told her.

"My throat hurts," Kim said quietly.

"I'm sorry babe hopefully the Advil will help. I'm pretty sure we have sore throat relief cough drops do you want one?" Adam asked.

"Yeah" Kim replied.

Adam went and got the cough drops and gave one to her. Once she finished it he put the towel down on her pillow and had her lie down.

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