Chapter 2

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"No you shut up!!" I spit. "Answer the question Romano."

"I don't have to answer anything." He scoffs, walking away.

"Then I'm gonna make you" I roughly pull him back by his hoodie.

"Hands off Zhen." Aiden warns.

"Or what? You gonna punch me?" I smirk. "Do you really wanna risk loosing your captaincy to Christian?"

Aiden clenches his jaw, turning to face me. I let go of his hood.

"You know what?" Aiden smirks. "Yeah, I did fuck her."

"Are you fucking kidding me!?! I'm gonna rip your dick out!!!"

"You sure about that?" Aiden challenges, using his finger to poke my chest.

"Don't touch me Aiden." I warn through gritted teeth.

"Or what? You gonna punch me? Do you really wanna risk loosing your scholarship?" He raises an eyebrow, tilting his head.

"You piece of shit" I lunge forward, grabbing him by the collar.

"Punch me, I dare you!" Aiden growls, grabbing my collar in retaliation.

Normally when Aiden and I fight, there is always someone to breaks us off. There have been two instances where Aiden and I were fighting and we were alone. One was when when we were in high school and the other when we were freshmen in college. Both fights ended with him and I in the hospital.

So when I let go of the devil after he stole the girl I've been relentlessly pursuing for six weeks straight, I couldn't believe it myself.

Aiden let's go of me, sighing as he walks away. At that moment I knew that the consequences of another fight were equally impactful to him, as it was to me. Shocking, considering how Aiden cares little to nothing about most things in life.


Tears roll down his eyes as Fai looks down at his painting. Thick green bushes part, revealing the majestic view of a waterfall. Frothy water gushes down clusters of mighty rocks before it crashed into a river. The clear water reveals beautiful black and orange pebbles, cluttering the river bed. The river is surrounded by moss covered rocks and a veil of trees that protect the hidden paradise. Beams of sunlight were peeking through the trees, making the water shine like millions of little diamonds.

Fai adored his work, but now there was a giant 'X' painted across it in red. He clutches his fist, his sadness slowly turning into anger. He drops the painting on the floor, storming out of the art room.


"Aiidennnn!!!" I yell as I tackle him to the ground. He was taken aback at first but quickly grins as he realises what was happening. His face showed absolutely no remorse for his actions. I hate him.

"What's up?" He chuckles like a four year old.

"What's up!??" I scream, startling other kids in the playground. "You ruined my painting!!"

"Because it was ugly" he smiles smugly.

"I'm gonna rip your head off!!!" I scream, pulling his hair roughly. He tries to escape my grip but to no avail. I sit on his stomach, pinning him down.

"Let me goooo" he cries, but I continue to pull his hair.

"Owww" I let out a cry as he punches me in my eye. I remove my hands from his hair, cupping my eyes. He immediately flips us over, sitting on top of me.

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