Chapter 6: Truck and Roll

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The D-team ride the air-truck away from the evil fortress as they see many mabu mining minerals for the Dark Emperor's castle.

Echo: "I can't believe it. Many citizens are now in slave by our greatest enemy in the world. We change the future."

Zoran: "Of course, we change the future. Actually, I do not know what we changed."

Nina: "We took Kaos out of his timeline." As she explained. "In the straight line timeline, Kaos was supposed to find another Conquertron but only find Overtron buried at the Lost Arkus. But with him out of that timeline, he never find him which cause Silther to steps up and took over Skylands. We created a second timeline that has a darker path."

Camo: "Actually, this is the third timeline. The second was created from Spyro and Eruptor."

Nina: "And this is what I was talking about. A butterfly effect creating another timeline that leads to..."

Then their air-truck was attacked as they looked to see the Upgraders attacking them on another airship.

Sunburn: "Them again? Why would they never give up?"

Echo: "Because they were made to stop us. We gotta get rid of them."

Camo: "But we don't even know how to fight them."

Zoran: "We do. Remember, they're just like the Cyber-Dragons we fought before."

Then the Upgraders got near them and ready to fight them.

Targer: "Now, Skylanders, let's see what you got."

Zoran: "Bring it on!" As he and his friends are ready.

The fight started, as the young Skylanders fought with everything they knew about them. Nina is still driving the truck but Razor Claw blocks her view and attacks her. She can't see anything, as Zoran sees they're heading for the floating isle.

Zoran: "Sis! Right!'

Nina did not know what he meant, as Razor Claw moved, and she saw it and turned hard right. It tips them all to the right and hits the Upgraders' airship side. It causes the airship to lose control as Formeleon tries to steer straight with all tentacles trying to control it. Then he noticed Nina as he wanted to know who she was, seeing through Razor Claw's eye, and she looked familiar to someone. He set it on autopilot and came to capture her as his tentacles then reach trying to grab her, but she backs away while steering causing to steer left, tipping the others. The air-truck spins around with them and the airship causing dizziness of the D-team but not the Upgraders. They have their chance to capture them but the spin stops and flies straight. Nina set the truck autopilot and got on top to fight Formeleon. Both fought, as she got the upperhand as Zoran saw ahead.

Zoran: "Look out!!"

Nina looks behind and gets off Formeleon, as the others see it and duck, as Formeleon regains himself but gets hit leaving him on the wall. The Upgraders then attack, as the D-team fight, till the Upgraders' airship starts to tilt and bring them all down. They were heading to the ground very fast, as the D-team made their change to beat the Upgraders and ready to get off. But Razor Claw tackles Zoran and tries to peck, but they help and beat him towards the Upgraders, causing them to be back on their airship. Nina, Zoran, and Sunburn help Camo and Zap into the air, and the villains crash. The broken Upgraders were damaged and almost defeated until a gasoline liquid poured out and got near to the flames.

Blue Two-Eye: "Oh..."

Red Two-Eye: "Crap."

Then it explodes destroying them all, as the D-Team sees the actions of them being destroyed. They celebrate defeating them again, the first time in their original form.

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