Chapter 2: The Skyland Before Time

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    They are in the Underworld where Malefor lives, but this time Malefor is an Undead Dragon King, and they're not supposed to be here because it's dangerous.

Echo: "We're not supposed to be here. We gotta get outta here."

Zoran: "Not until we find what our parents like."

Zap: "Well, here's one thing though, there's nothing here, only just a floating isle with an evil sky. Besides, how do you know if someone is ...."

Before he could finish, they heard something. They hurry to see what was going on until now, they see something surprising them. The Team Spyro captured by Malefor.

Future Spyro: "I'm sorry, guys. I was so scared of facing Malefor. Because of how I was beaten by him..."

As he was talking, the D-Team hid behind the rock and listened to what they said. And Nina remembers this scene.

Nina: "I think remember this, this is the part where Grandpa Malefor captures them and plans to turn them into his evil minions."

Camo: "Evil Minions? That's bad."

Zorna: "No worries, dad has his way."

Sunburn: "Really, how?"

Zoran: "Easy..." As he explained. "He tricked him by pretending he's on Strykore's side and made him believe he is invisible." As he speaks gibberish of what his father is saying. "Funny, because he fell for it."

Echo: "But their friends..."

Zoran: "Don't worry, mom got it all covered because she freed their friends and escaped while he was distracted. And look, there they go."

They turn and notice the future heroes escaping on the Dread Yacht, as Malefor chases after them but gets his tail stuck to the isle thanks to Spyro. The D-Team watches and happy their future Team Spyro escape from Malefor.

Echo: "Gotta hand it to him, Spyro really sure knows how to defeat him."

Nina: "Yeah, this must be the past when they need her to find the Iron Fist before Strykore does. But turns out Kaos got there and wore it."

Sunburn: "So, you two got anything that can make a great gift?"

Nina and Zoran look at each other and do not get anything because the timeline they're at is not the place their parents did not fall in love and not something special.

Nina: "(Sighs) We need to find another timeline where we need to know about our parents. Back to the future, you guys."

They all gather around, as she activates the time disrupter, and they jump through and fly to another past. Then they arrive to another timeline but they were somewhere not closer to the Academy but closer to one thing.

Zoran: "Okay, now where are we?"

Sunburn: "Maybe that castle has something to it." Looking at something behind them.

They turn and notice a castle behind and understand they're at Kassondra's castle. And right next to it was Kaos' castle.

Zap: "Is that... Kaos' castle? I thought it would be that huge."

Camo: "I guess now we know why Kaos always lose."

They hurry to find out what's going on in there and peek through the door to see Kaos babbling about something evil.

Echo: "There's Kaos, but why are we here?"

Before they could wonder, a black dragon flew above Kaos and laughed evil. And to their shock, they notice that dragon.

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