Chapter 7: The Night Before Kaos

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    Kaos was enjoying his time at the Dark Emperor's fortress with Glumshanks feeling great to be victorious.

Kaos: "Now this is what I wanted, Skylands finally became into eternal darkness, no Sky-Loser around try to stop us, and the best evil day that I ever had."

Glumshanks: "Indeed, not to expect anything that I have seen." As he was going to be sick.

Then the scene shows them on the boat with thunderstorms and the waves tipping the boat. As they're enjoying themselves, but not Glumshanks, Slither came to meet them again.

Silther: "Alright, that should be enough." As he tells them.

Kaos: "Ah, Silther. I guess you slither here with great news." As he stopped the boat and got off with Glumshanks all wobbling and sick. "I believe your Upgraders have already taken care of those future Sky-Loser."

Silther: "Well, technically...."

Kaos: "Indeed, you did. Finally, now Skylands has no Skylanders to stop us."

Silther: "Actually, they got away."

Kaos: "What? How?"

Silther: "Well, it seems they defeated them easily."

Kaos: "Are they okay?"

Silther: "They're okay, but..... Damaged. Their limbs and torso have been destroyed and left for parts. But my Cyber-Dragons have recovered and brought them to my laboratory. Come, let me show you."

Kaos follows, and Glumshanks follows too, a little sick. They reached the elevator but it was "Out of Order" so they had to take the escalator. But Silther do not like it because of every Cyber-Dragons who came down the escalator will bow.

Cyber-Dragon #1: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #2: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #3: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #4: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Yep....."

Cyber-Dragon #5: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Uh-huh....."

Cyber-Dragon #6: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Yo....." As he gives it a thumbs up.

Cyber-Dragon #7: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Mmm...." As he nodded.

(Short Second....)

Cyber-Dragon #8: "My Creator....."

Silther: "(Sigh) Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #9: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #10: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #11: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....." Getting annoyed.

Cyber-Dragon #12: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #13: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon....."

Cyber-Dragon #14: "My Creator....."

Silther: "Cyber-Dragon! Cyber-Dragons..... Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!"

Skylanders Academy (Christmas Special) Time for DragonsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin